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When overseas crossword titles lack relevance

uk-crossowrds.JPGYesterday, we received two UK crossword titles with Christmas themed covers.  It is five weeks since Christmas. The last thing a professional retailer wants right now is stock reflecting Christmas.  If the importer thinks there is a market for these titles here they ought to ensure that they get here in time to tap into any seasonal promotion.  I have early returned these two titles as I saw little prospect for them selling.  It is a pity they were supplied on the last trading day of the month.


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  1. Brendan

    We have also received a couple of magazines with Christmas themes, If they weren’t put aways, they were returned immediately as we look foolish putting out new Christmas titles now. I kept the puzzle books, only because I am making an effort to sell more titles from this distributor as it benefits me more than supporting titles from the other distributor at present.


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