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Is Hubbed offering different deals to different newsagents?

Several newsagents have mentioned to be deals they have reportedly been offered by Hubbed that vary from the deals more generally known about. If I understand it correctly, one was offered preferential pricing and another a promise on returning equipment if sales don’t meet expectations.

If true, the ANF appears directly involved in making offers different to those promoted more widely. If I was a newsagent on a less favourable deal and heard about a better deal now I’d be wanting compensation.


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  1. john

    I for one, am questioning the benefits of ANF membership. What have they achieved for newsagents, and apart from Western Union they are pushing hubbed but not really giving us the full story.
    Someone is benefiting and it is not newsagents


  2. KMc

    the question about ANF/VANA , whatever was asked and answered years ago. They’re already an irrelevant anachronism.

    Read Marks post re the NewsXpress conference. That’s where your attention should be.


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