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How we manage our newsagencies #4: receiving stock

How you receive stock is vital to the health and success of any newsagency. It is important there is structure in the process and that everyone follows the structure. Too often newsagents do to have a documented process.

  1. Check what is supplied versus what has been invoiced and what you ordered.
  2. Check for and damaging to packaging.
  3. Receive electronically or enter in invoices to your newsagency software – recording accurate quantities on hand.
  4. Price all items – with a computer generated or price gun label as appropriate.
  5. When handling items before putting new stock out take a moment to check sales – to ensure that you ordered or received appropriate quantities based on sales.
  6. Put the new stock out, cleaning and moving the old stock to the front. Toss damaged stock.

This week I am looking at everyday management of the typical newsagency business – to open discussion among people here about what they do in the area of I cover and to help others to look at their own processes.

Management tip

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  1. Richard

    Check the cost. Is it correct, has it changed, have you received discounts if applicable. We find errors quite often.


  2. June

    Ensure that when an invoice from GG or Network has a manual cross off of an item check online – you HAVE been invoiced for it and you need to record a credit online.
    This happens with great regularity.


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