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The Spectator Australia supports newsagents

Screen Shot 2015-01-08 at 1.27.03 am1,382 followers on Twitter of The Spectator Australia have been encouraged to purchase the latest issue from newsagents with this tweet.

Newsagents on Twitter should re-tweet the tweet. Every mention by a supplier about our channel as the go-to retailer for a product is welcome. The more we show our appreciation the more they will support us. Their tweet included Julie Bishop’s Twitter handle reaching another 95,200 people.

BTW – I love the cover … cheeky and fun. I suggest placing this next to newspapers.

UPDATE: I tweeted a link to this blog post and copied the publisher and Julie Bishop. Our Foreign Minister re-tweeted that tweet to her 95,200 followers – further promoting newsagents.

LATER: More re-tweets thanks to Julie Bishop’s support for our channel. Great stuff!

newsagency marketing

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  1. Subaru

    im so happy they promoted newsagents.
    Does this explain why i received 2, and still had these 2 on the shelf (none sold), and they still managed to send me 2 more today on SBR????


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Subaru I doubt there is SBR on this title. Something else caused you to get the extra stock.


  3. June

    Subaru, mine are all missing today so no sales (usually 4 or 5) at $9.95 that I can’t sell this week. It makes me so angry and then I go online to report it and there are none left.
    Another Monday gripe.
    Network sent 5 x outback calendars (RM Williams) to us but unnoticed by me the stickers came through xchangeit as outback diaries (firm sale) so it wasn’t until I tried to scan them out that I even noticed that it wouldn’t allow me to return them.
    I wonder how many of these went all round Oz and were billed as outback diaries firm sale and therefore unreturnable????
    I urge all newsagents to check this item.
    Luckily I only had one calendar to return and I never got any of the firm sale diaries at all.Good mistake by Network!!!


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