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The ANF can’t hide forever

Ever since I and other newsagents started speaking about the poor representation of newsagents by the ANF on the proposed magazine supply rule change trial being organised by the MPA, representatives of the ANF have attacked some speaking out but refuses to engage in real dialogue.

There was Ann Nugent, QLD ANF staffer, reportedly speaking out about me at a public meeting, ANF Chair Stuart Kilborn on the phone to a newsagent he’d never spoken to complaining, ANF CEO Alf Maccioni responding to newsagents putting down those challenging the ANF approach and the ANF SA rep, Colin Shipton out in SA reportedly putting down any who disagree with the ANF.

While the ANF is entitled to say what it likes, this approach of attacking those questioning its strategy and then ducking for cover and not engaging reminds me of a propaganda film used in the US in the 1950s: Duck and Cover.

I proposed a debate with the ANF CEO so that newsagents could judge for themselves. Refusing this opportunity of transparency damages the ANF and opens for question among newsagents why it is not open to publicly talking about its policy position, a position it established without consultation of those it claims to represent.

The suggested debate (or discussion if you prefer as I don’t see it as adversarial) offers the ANF an excellent opportunity from which to show newsagents their approach is right, it shows them not ducking for cover.

magazine distribution

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  1. Carol

    I hope this issue is not quite as bad as an atomic bomb however we could be seen as dying a long slow death from inaction.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Carol no dying if each of us takes action ourselves. Our future is ours to make, no association can make it, certainly not the ANF.


  3. Jim

    As a 50s child I love the video and your comments Mark. Spot on.


  4. Peter B

    Could be a timeslot on Q&A for a debate soon!


  5. June

    Maybe there could be a job opportunity for
    a Q & A host


  6. John Fitzpatrick

    Fellow SA Newsagents,

    On the 14th July at 1pm the ANF is holding a “Town Hall” question and answer meeting of ANF members in Adelaide.

    The proof or otherwise of Newsagent engagement in Magazine over/under supply, Magazine trial etc (and other issues) will be how many bother to turn up and ask questions of the ANF.

    I challenge ANF member Newsagents to come and air their views.

    If the ANF is NOT reflecting the views of us (it’s membership) then this is the opportunity for us to have a say.

    If you are a ANF member and don’t turn up – don’t complain about the ANF – you have had an opportunity to influence policy and choose to ignore it

    I know some will say its the middle of the day etc. But this, magazines and ANF Policy are key issue’s within every business today.

    John Fitzpatrick


  7. Dennis Robertson

    Almost worth signing up for John 🙂

    Well said.

    Hopefully members will turn up and feel able to express themselves freely in an open manner.

    A lot of traction and good ideas are often lost when the encouragement and engagement to do so is not there.

    It’s an admirable challenge you are putting out there.


  8. Mark Richardson

    John I applaude the ANF for holding a member meeting in Adelaide.

    However I do think is’t very unfair of you to state if you don’t turn up the don’t complain about the ANF I find this an arrogant statement and is unwarranted.

    I could understand some Newsagents not bothering to turn up because as you well know the ANF has a long making history of making important decissions with little or no consultation with their members .

    The current debacle with the ANF supporting the MPA is just another example .So if ANF members express dissatisfaction will the ANF change tact recent history indicates it will not.

    I have spoken to a Newsagent here in SA who claims he disagreed with Colin Shipton over a issue which the ANF was supporting the Newsagent told me that Colin told him if he wasnt happy he should leave the ANF
    Another Newsagent who at the time was a ANF member pressed Mr Shipton on the MPA trial and the issue with early returns, according to the Newsagent Shiptons response was early returns are a privilage not a right !!

    So if some ANF members choose not to attend I understand what I dont understand is why they waste money on membership fees


  9. Mark Fletcher

    While it is good the ANF is holding a meeting, on this issue the meeting is six months too late. The organisation endorsed the MPA trial of draft magazine supply rule changes without consultation.

    I suspect they are only holding this meeting because of comments made here.

    Is the ANF sharing information with newsagents prior to the meeting. This will be essential because if they rely on the usual ANF description of the situation re the trial those attending will be misinformed.


  10. John Fitzpatrick

    Mark R

    The timing 1pm could be better – but if magazines are to continue to be a major part of retail and distribution business’s, how hard can it really be to get away for a couple of hours – surely it’s an investment in a Newsagents business.

    Mark I was very careful in my choice of words.

    I wanted to challenge Newsagents to get get off their arse’s and make a contribution.

    We both know only a handful of Newsagents made any contribution to the ACCC inquiry.

    I’m hoping to be wrong and the ANF get a full house.



  11. Mark Fletcher

    John the newsXpress submissions represent close to 200 and plenty of individuals make their own submissions.

    Sure it is not the majority but the number engaged has been considerable. Interestingly, all newsagent submissions I have seen have disagreed with the ANF.

    John please check with Colin Shipton to see if he plans to mention me as he reportedly has done in speaking with some SA newsagents. Maybe he would like me there to respond to anything he may say.


  12. Peter B

    Mark, you would have to become an ANF member to attend, I’d like to see that!! They only talk to members you know.

    Why pick SA. There are no members left as I understand. Spoke to a rep the other day who said only 1 in 7 he spoke with were now ANF members.


  13. Mark Fletcher

    Peter the ANF claims to represent newsagents. All newsagents ought to be able to attend.


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