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If you want to sell more Graduation gifts

IMG_9271 (1)Graduation Gifts sell all through the year with people purchasing for more than what has been traditional. We now pitch graduation gifts all year round. One successful engagement is this placement of the Korimco graduation Beanie Kid with cards. It is the right size and price point to be purchased as an add-on to the card.

What I have described here is action we can take in our shops to chase above-average performance.

The average approach to graduation gifts is to concentrate these toward the end of the school year and to promote them together, usually away from the cards.

My suggestion in this blog post is to promote them through the year and to pitch some of them in with your card fixtures. By doing this you are guiding your customers to make a more valuable purchase.

Here are some examples of all year graduation gift opportunities: a puppy graduating from obedience school, someone graduating from vocational training, a driver graduating from P plates, someone moving up a level in living circumstance.

We need to not restrict when we can sell items by making assumptions that to not reflect how shoppers could behave.


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