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How are you displaying the latest Prevention magazine?

IMG_3427The free gift of a tub of Nivea cellular anti-age day cream with Prevention magazine is terrific. We are displaying the gift with the magazine. But we have deep enough shelves for this to work.  In more regular magazine fixtures and in the magazine wave wall fixtures this issue would not hold up well.

A couple of newsagents contacted me saying they had removed the gift. While I understand their need to do this, it means the gift cannot help drive sales.

This is another example of challenges presented by some gift with purchase campaigns.


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  1. frank

    All Prevention we received from GG is plain one without free gift, not happy.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Frank this is a Nexus promotion.


  3. allan wickham

    All the cards on my copies were damaged. The strapping had been completley pulled through the card holding the gift. I cant (and wont) present damaged magazines or their attachments for sale. The magazine itself was fine so I put it on the shelf, as for the gift we can always give that to the customer at the counter I suppose.
    What amazes me constantly is that the person using the strapping machine would see what they are doing to the merchandise and yet they still send it out looking like a dogs breakfast…..


  4. Brett

    We got the magazine and we also got the blue card, but that’s all we got, no cream, all ripped off long before they got to us.


  5. Peter

    Also at Coles


  6. Jess

    I am part of the Nexus program but I still received my prevention without any free gifts.


  7. shauns

    yep all torn here as well ……fail


  8. Chris

    We received all of ours intact. We have constant contact with our magazine delivery drivers and have built up a relationship where they look after our supplies. They should do that anyway as part of their job but we help ensure this is the case. Prevention sells well for us so hopefully this creates a few more loyal buyers.


  9. shauns

    I don’t think it has anything to do with drivers it is the one that straps the bundles up to tight


  10. Mark Fletcher

    Here is advice sent this morning by Pacific Magazines to newsagents about the gift:

    It has come to our attention that a small number of Prevention header cards could be damaged. If you have received damaged header cards with the NIVEA gifts and feel that this may jeopardise sales, we recommend you take off the card, and hand the NIVEA pot over the counter.


  11. eric

    Our came in good condition no damages at all.


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