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Month: July 2011

Seven ways to cut employee theft in your newsagency

When was the last time you reviewed theft management practices in your newsagency? It is something which should be done at least every six months.

Oh, and I don’t mean a soft review, I mean a serious review of business processes, a serious assessment of the employee theft risk you face, from the sales counter through the shop floor and into the back office.

Employee theft can kill a newsagency. It can sneak up and before you know it you are tens of thousands of dollars down, often more.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars even.  yes, I have seen this happen.

Sometimes it is not only businesses which are broken, marriages, too, suffer.  The loss and trauma can be avoided or at least reduced.

Every week I hear of another employee theft situation. Through my software company I am often involved in gathering evidence for police prosecutors.

Here are seven steps which, if followed, will reduce the opportunity of employee theft in your newsagency.

  1. Use stock control for popular theft items: cigarettes, physical phone cards, confectionery, drinks, transports tickets (if you sell print tickets). You should use stock control for the whole business but if you don’t at the very least use it for these items. Change who checks the stock, do it yourself regularly.
  2. Use your software. Good newsagency software has theft tracking tools. Make it your business to know what they are. Use them. Don;t discuss these with your employees.
  3. Track sales by employees. Get your employees to enter their employee code for every sale. Make them accountable for their sales.
  4. Respect cash. You should be able to balance your cash at the end of every shift to within $5 easily. If this is not happening get to the bottom of it fast. Remove cash from the draw one or twice a day, at different times.  If you don’t balance every day, start.
  5. Stop department sales. Get rid of the ability to sell items by using a department key and entering the sale amount. This shows you are slack with data and makes theft easier.  Only by scanning every single thing you sell can you have the control over data which is essential.
  6. Change things. Change who works with whom, when they work and the tasks they undertake. Make these changes with as late a notice as possible. Include in these changes taking people who have shift by themselves off the roster every so often.
  7. Be suspicious. Eliminate calculators, mobile phones and notepads at the counter. Be suspicious of employees who resist these moves. Sometimes it is the most trusted employee who steals.

You could also consider talking to your local police. They may have advice which is particularly relevant to your local area.

The more serious and consistent you are in managing the risk of employee theft in your retail business the more likely you are to reduce its impact on your business. The difficulty is that you will never know for sure.

I appreciate that it is difficult being tough in many retail environments, especially family centric businesses. Every newsagency is at risk, whether a family business or not. Treating employee theft as a genuine and high risk is essential if you are to mitigate the risk and protect your business asset.

This list reflects years of experience dealing with employee theft in newsagencies. Don’t be one of those newsagents who says to me I read your advice and thought it would never happen to me.

If you need help, call me. 0418 321 338.

Newsagency management

Chess shakers a dud product for us

chess-salt.JPGIt seemed like a good ideas at the time. We really thought these chess themed salt and pepper shakers would work. They haven’t. We have had them out for three weeks and that’s long enough in our view.  We are currently on a program of price reductions to find the price point at which they do work. While the total cash exposure is not much more than $100, it’s a lesson in buying. As they say … you win some, you lose some. At least our humour toilet paper is selling well!


Great pre-launch promotion of Feast magazine

feast-sample.JPGThe current issue of Who magazine has a sampler for which goes on sale tomorrow. Sampling is an excellent way to introduce shoppers to a new title. The Feast sample is an excellent representation of what people can expect from the new magazine.

I’d encourage publishers to consider working with newsagents on the distribution of samplers of their titles. These would / should actively promote newsagents as go to places for the titles.


Bullying and threats no way to win newsagents over

Any newsagent who is threatened with do business with us or we will come and compete directly with you ought to report this activity to the police as well as their state association. Write down the specific threat, who said it and when so that you can be certain when reporting it.

Fear and intimidation have no place in business let alone the Australian newsagency channel.

I recall when threats were made by one company to some newsagents a few years ago that if they did not sign up for their service they would put it into another business nearby. Newsagents outlasted the service.

If a business cannot win your business on the merits of its products or services then it does not deserve your business.  Remember, you are the customer, not the servant.


Newsagents: check out online coupons

I have written here previously about the online coupon phenomenon and in particular Groupon.  I urge newsagents to go to Stardeals, the local Groupon website and sign up.  It’s free.  get a feel for a new digital advertising channel.

The Groupon model is tremendously successful overseas.  I see the deals from a couple of cities in the US as well as for Melbourne.  They are usually quite compelling.

Why do newsagents need to know?  It’s important for us to see how some of our major competitors are using online mediums to attract shoppers.

Media disruption

Brilliant use of magazine posters

mageliw.JPGTake a look at this excellent use of magazine posters.  It creates a visual energy which is better than the usual flat placement of posters around a shop.

Rolling and standing posters like this presents a strong message about magazine range, that this business is a magazine specialist with a diverse offering.

Shoppers entering this newsagency could not miss the magazine display.  I bet it leads to a nice kick in sales.

Well done to the team at newsXpress Eli Waters in Queensland for creating this.


Promoting the VTAC Guide

vtacguide.JPGWhile would be university students and their families will hunt down the latest VTAC Guide, the creative team at one of my stores is promoting the latest edition with this column based display in front of our magazine department.

I love this display a lot.  It is set to drive incremental and faster sales of the VTAC Guide. With a long on-sale for this title we want to move plenty of stock in the first four weeks.  This is our goal … the sooner we move the stock the better. This then gets us to a point where we have a choice whether we order and carry more stock.


Promoting Who magazine’s Amy Winehouse cover story

magwhojul29.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Who magazine and its Amy Winehouse cover with this respectful display on a column facing out into the shopping mall.

The folks at Who have created a tasteful cover for this tragic story.

Business is business … I think this issue will sell well.

I love Friday’s magazine delivery. It gives us an opportunity for a refresh of offers for the weekend.  It also ensures a traffic boost as readers of the magazines which are published on a Friday visit for their fix.


Maxim magazine selling well

magmaximjul11.JPGOur promotion of the launch issue of Maxim magazine has gone well. We ordered extra stock as we are almost out of stock. The Jennifer Hawkins cover was a smart move. It certainly makes the magazine more accessible than the usual lads mag. The most successful promotion for us for launching Maxim has been with the in-location display in the men’s magazine aisle as shown in the photo.  This is located near Zoo on one side and UFC on the other side.


Magazine publishers need to act on magazine distribution model

Australian magazine publishers who care about a viable newsagency channel through which to see their products need to act to ensure the viability of the channel.

The supply model being employed by our two biggest magazine distributors, Gotch and Network, is showing no signs of improving – despite the spin from both companies.

Oversupply remains rife, hitting newsagent cash flow and driving newsagents to react sometimes without reason against good performing magazine titles.

The problem with the model is that distributors are primarily paid to distribute, despite what they claim. Move them to a payment only for sales model and their behaviour would immediately change. Indeed with such a model all players would be compensated for the same common activity – sales.

Magazine distributors manipulate statistics, they wear complainants out with data and demonstrate little care about the amount of money made by their other so-called partners.  Now they will say that I am wrong and that my allegation is unfair and hurtful.  They are not in newsagent shoes.  Nor are the in the shows of independent Australian publishers.  They are in no position to assess the impact of their model on newsagents who rely solely on sales for magazines to pay their way.

Newsagents are cutting magazine display space because they see this as they only way then can control the volume of inventory they receive. This could get to a point where the magazine specialist channel is no longer the specialist.

Unless publishers act.

Australian publishers have an opportunity here to work with newsagents on fixing the distribution problems. Get these two sides with a common goal, sales, together and we can tell distributors what must be done.

This blog post is familiar as It have written words like this many times. I have done it again today because of a call from another distressed newsagent. Yesterday.  $32,000 in magazine sales last month and magazine bills of $33,000. So much for a 25% margin.

magazine distribution

Launching Feast magazine

feastmag.JPGI was fortunate to be at the launch of the new feast magazine in Sydney last night. This high end SBS branded title from Pacific Magazines is a deliciously sexy looking food title.

Feast is set to shake up the top end of food titles. With so many having gone on a journey with food titles from the entry level to mid tier, more shoppers are looking for a five star foodie challenge. Feast looks to be the title to step up to this opportunity. The food on the pages looks delicious. The stories are passionate. The production is first class.

I am keen to support this new title and leverage the marketing campaign being invested in the launch – I hope that other newsagents do when the title hits the shelves this Monday.

Food titles continue to perform well in newsagencies with many of us achieving excellent growth in the last quarter in this space.  Feast can help us cater to a broader market and continue the growth we are enjoying.

Magazine subscriptions

Simple fixture drives sales

bookfeature.JPGThis book had not sold during our recent book sale.  We had six copies left.  We sold five of the six copies in just over a week when we put it on this acrylic stand, lifting it out of the books display and giving it a moment in the sunshine.

It is amazing what such a simple change in placement could do for sales of the title … a reminder of the need for use to dig for gold every day.

Book retailing

Promoting Melbourne Wedding & Bride

mag-weddingandbride.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Melbourne Wedding & Bride magazine with this display on a pillar facing into the store.  This location works well given the size and weight of the title.

Early sales have been good.  This is a popular title.

The gold background for the top part of the display makes it more noticeable – an attractive and practical touch. Our price pitch above the display also helps since $6.95 for such a big product reinforces a perception of value.

The display is timely as we are moving toward wedding season.  Our plan is to leave it up for a week, maybe two.

This display is an example of us supporting a title which would not usually be given prime space in a newsagency.   Our preference is to display titles which respond well to support.  It is important that we have the opportunity to make such display choices.


Featuring Time magazine

magtime0711.JPGWe are giving Time magazine a week in the spotlight with this in-location display promoting the special journey issue on Islam.

While not a big seller for us, this display is important as it reminds shoppers of the diversity of titles we carry.  It also presents an opportunity for impulse purchase because of the subject matter.

In-location displays are a key factor in our magazine sales success.  We continue to swim against the tide and achieve year on year growth.


Your opportunity to support suppliers who support newsagents

gnsmarketfair.JPGThe GNS Market Fairs start this weekend with the Perth Market Fair on Sunday at Challenge Stadium in Mt Claremont. These trade shows provide an excellent opportunity for newsagents to engage with suppliers who support the channel.

You can see the suppliers supporting the GNS Market Fairs if you turn to the back page of the latest GNS Group News newsletter – the July 2011 issue. There, on the back page, are the logos of newsagent suppliers supporting the GNS Market Fairs and through this GNS and the newsagency channel more widely.

Newsagents can reasonably question the support of stationery, marketing group and software companies not supporting newsagents by supporting the GNS Market Fairs.

GNS is owned by newsagents. This is our company. It depends on newsagent and supplier support. This is why it is important for newsagents to know which suppliers support GNS and through this support the millions of dollars of newsagent funds invested in GNS.

Newsagents who want a strong newsagent owned stationery wholesaler should question dealing with stationery suppliers, marketing groups and software companies which do not support GNS. You can’t have one without the other. GNS relies not only on newsagent purchases but supplier support in other ways – such as at the GNS Market Fairs.

So, check out the back page of the GNS Group News newsletter and note the suppliers supporting the Australian newsagent channel through the GNS Market Fairs.  Better still, come along to the Fair in your state.

For the record, I own newsagent software Tower Systems which currently serves 1,752 newsagents and half of newsXpress which serves more than 170 newsagents. Both companies are thrilled to be participating in all GNS Market Fairs this year.

So, yes, I am conflicted in writing about this.  However, every supplier has had an opportunity to support GNS and newsagents more broadly.

Newsagents want to be treated as a channel.  They (we) want to leverage the strength of  numbers.  A great rallying place for this is GNS.  This is why supplier support for GNS and the Market Fairs is a fair point of judgment for stationery suppliers, marketing groups and marketing groups.

Newsagency management

Giving a magazine a second go around

donnahaypt2.JPGOur sales of the latest issue of Donna Hay Kid’s Magazine have not been what we expected so we have moved the title from our counter display and created a new display on a cover of one of our gift tables.  Click on the image for a larger version.  This display will be seen by more shoppers as they enter the store.  It provides a better view of the terrific cover.

It is frustrating when a display fails to pop.  rather than blame the product, we try and give it a second go in another location to see if we can find business elsewhere. that’s what we are doing with this issue of Donna Hay Kid’s Magazine.  This display has until Monday to pay its way.  Otherwise we move the this stock back to the other stock in the feed title section.


Brilliant cover Girlfriend magazine!

maggfaug11.JPGCheck out the cover of the latest issue of Girlfriend magazine.  Talk about cut through.  This cover featuring Lady Gaga stands our perfectly amid the sea of colour on magazine shelves in newsagencies.

This is the kind of cover and marketing collateral I like.  Different to the usual.  Shoppers don’t notice some magazine posters because of the sameness.

Kudos to those involved in Girlfriend magazine this month.


Chasing incremental sales of The Australian Women’s Weekly

magawwaug11.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly with this display at the entrance to our main magazine aisle along with placement next to newspapers as well as an impulse pocket in a stand at the front of the shop facing into the mall.

Most of that activity will be pulled back after the weekend.

It’s really these first few days which are vital to attracting incremental business.  What happens after the first week is regular, bankable, business for us.


Super Mario plush a hit

super-mario.JPGIt took less than a week for us to just about sell out of our new range of Super Mario plush … offering more evidence of the value of selling popular brand related products.  What an excellent result! What was most interesting about this small range is the new traffic it drew.  It was on a display facing out into the shopping mall.  People walking past noticed and approached the display.  Once they picked up an item you had them in most cases. The shoppers most often drawn to the Super Mario product were Gen X – players of the game.

I was uncertain about this product.  It has sold much better (faster) than I expected. Once again there is the lesson – I am not my customer.


Promoting Burke’s Backyard

magburkes-jul11.JPGThe latest issue of Burke’s Backyard is being promoted with this aisle end display facing out toward the front of our newsagency. We also have the title as a feature in our garden section. Our team, creative as ever, have given the display extra treatment to give us a slightly different look to the usual one sees in a newsagency.Key to this display and all successful magazine displays is that shoppers can purchase off the display.


Great Scotch Christmas Giftwrap Cutter and Giftwrap Tape offer

GNS is promoting excellent packs of the Scotch Christmas Giftwrap Cutter and Giftwrap Tape to newsagents at the moment. The prices are excellent with bonus stock a clipstrips for easy tactical placement. I’d urge newsagents to get these products. I have been selling them in my newsagencies for five years and they sell very well at Christmas. It is terrific seeing a shopper add a couple of rolls of tape and a giftwrap cutter to a purchase on impulse at the counter.

The GNS discount offers end July 31.  If you buy now you can easily achieve 50% margin.

And before anyone asks, GNS has not asked me to promote it. I saw the flyer sent to one of my stores a couple of days ago.

Newsagents would be mad to miss out on the opportunity for some easy stationery basket building.

Newsagency opportunities

Great coverage for ANF campaign on EFTPOS fees

eftpos-fees.jpgCongratulations to the ANF for excellent coverage last weekend in five major newspapers on their fight on behalf of all newsagents on the new EFTPOS fees which are set to take effect in a few months.

The effort invested in getting this coverage for newsagents would have been considerable. It is a good example of the ANF working on behalf of all newsagents.

Click on the image to see the Sunday Telegraph coverage from page 3 of the newspaper this past Sunday. This is a good example of the coverage the ANF has achieved on this issue right across the country.

Part of the problem with the EFTPOS issue is that it is complex to understand. It also has rich businesses (banks) on the other side engaged in an excellent spin campaign.

Sadly, too few politicians are prepared to do the work necessary to understand the impact about to it small businesses as a result of the new EFTPOS fee hike. Hopefully, the latest ANF led coverage in newspapers will result in fresh attention on the issue.


Promoting Woman’s Day with newspapers

wdhs.JPGFurther to my last post, we also have a stack of this week’s Woman’s Day with the Murdoch family on the cover placed next to the Herald Sun.  It’s a news related cover so this placement makes sense.  We are selling copies from here – that’s the goal!  We’re likely to take this placement down by the end of today.


Strange bedfellows

wdtime.JPGIt is not often that we can place Woman’s Day and Time next to each other but that’s what we have done this week. Kudos to the folks at Woman’s Day for leveraging the News International phone hacking scandal into a topical and interesting front cover.  I hope that newsagents have embraced the opportunity.


Promoting K-Zone and Justin Bieber

magkzone.JPGWe are promoting the latest K-Zone magazine with the hope of a sales lift as a result of the Justin Bieber cover. Kids magazines are challenged so we are hoping that Bieber’s popularity, particularly in our newsagency as proved with sales all this year of Bieber products, can translate into sales for K-Zone. We have the title in a couple of locations to leverage this opportunity.  I hope that newsagents have embraced the K-Zone magazine opportunity and placed where Bieber fans are likely to see it..
