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Promoting RUSSH magazine

We are promoting the latest issue of RUSSH magazine with this terrific aisle end display created by our team.

This is a cool magazine which attracts a younger demographic so it’s nice to take the opportunity to give it some time in the spotlight.  This is an important segment to newsagents if we want to attract new magazine readers to our stores.

We’ll keep the display up for a week or longer depending on space demands.


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  1. h

    Oyster is another similar title – sometimes the covers of these mags are gorgeous, I always display them full face up front when they first arrive


  2. Paul

    Strange how we do well with Frankie regularly selling out or only returning a single mag , but I couldn’t give Russh away here and we often have these two titles next to one another. Incidentally Oyster was another on that doesn’t work for us.


  3. Garry

    Paul, Interesting you mention Frankie, while, commenting on Russh. – These two magazines target different readers, a Russh reader is more likely to also buy Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar. – So, when it comes to positioning, it’s far better to place Russh near these magazines to attract new sales.


  4. Mark

    Yes Garry. We have it in the usual place for Vogue. Thanks for commenting. Publisher representatives are always welcome here.


  5. Paul

    Thanks Garry and Mark ! Nice to have learnt something this morning ! 🙂

    Have moved them the two rows (60cm) across next to vogue and Bazaar so will see if that makes any difference.

    Marks comments regarding the relay is prompting me to make some major changes so I’ll see if the two combined make any difference. Mind you I am reasonably low volume in regard to magazines (circa 8-9K a month) so it may just be the specific title that doesnt work for me as Vogue and Bazaar often do OK.


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