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APN disrespects newsagents with Daily Mercury promotion

apnThe marketing and promotions department from the APN owned The Daily Mercury newspaper in Mackay has launched a promotion offering a $5,000 classroom makeover as the prize. Readers collect tokens for their school over the duration of the promotion (Feb. 14 – Mar. 16) and the school with the most tokens at the end wins.

A $500 prize is up for grabs for the newsagent with the best display / sales uplift combination.

What is dumb about this promotion is the connection with Staples as the provider of the prize. I am shocked that no one at APN realised that Staples is a giant US corporation which competes with local newsagents.

APN ought to pull the campaign and offer a prize which supports newsagents. 

In Mackay of all places the folks at The Daily Mercury ought to understand the importance of small businesses like newsagencies to the economy, the role they play in supporting local schools and that what newsagents make stays in the area. What Staples makes from sales to the Mackay region leaves the region.

This campaign is socially irresponsible.

Why is this small outpost of APN supporting a giant of a business with no local connection like Staples? It does not make sense to me. Even if there is a good deal, it does not make sense for a so-called local paper to partner with a giant US business like Staples hell-bent on hurting local businesses.

APN expects newsagents to actively promote a fierce competitor, a business that is out to take everyday stationery sales from newsagents and, in the future, back to school stationery sales from newsagents.

If I was in Mackay I would not support this promotion whatsoever.

I see regional newspapers run marketing campaigns that support local businesses all the time. It’s not hard. Many newsagents I know support their regional newspapers for mutual benefit. The disconnect with this APN promotion does not make sense.

I’d be interested to know if other APN regional newspapers are running a similar promotion.


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  1. allan wickham

    Seems as though this might be APN wide. I just had my sales rep come in with a heap of POS for this promo, I sent her packing. Told her to tell APN that I have enough competition from majors without helping one get a foot in the door with my local schools.


  2. robert reid

    same in Toowoomba qld I will be reading the terms and conditions and will be following allans lead


  3. allan wickham

    They are even promoting this heavily on local radio. Ohhhhh if only they put as much effort into working with Newsagents……


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