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Wired’s wild prediction: a newspaper to give up on paper

Wired magazine’s Wild predictions for 2007 include:

A major newspaper gives up printing on paper to publish exclusively online.

It’s sure a wild prediction and I doubt it will come true in 2007. That it’s on the list encourages discussion. Newspaper sales demand that newsagents at least discuss predictions such as this.


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  1. Derek

    I am really struggling with the idea of a Newspaper publisher or publishers going fully online in 2007 or 2020.

    I would entertain the idea of a online version & a hard copy for some of the following reasons and markets that a Newspaper reaches.

    a) The unknown number of home delivery customers that slip through the Newsagents is huge, affecting Newsagents sales and of course other products.

    b) Not everyone has internet.

    c) Not everyone wants to read Newspapers online (or print it out)

    d)Majority of Newspaper sales are sold in the AM, customers like to read it before work, on the way to work, at work, during coffee break at work or at lunch.

    e) White collar workers may like to read online,

    f) Blue collar workers need there hard copy paper.

    h) Commuters like to read on the way to work.

    I really think it is ludicrous to forcibly drive people online to read a newspaper.

    There will be a time I am sure that a newspaper will be a CD or simlar and people will have a reader gadget of some sort.

    I have a strong feelings that it also will segregate communities, some people dont want, can’t have, cannot use, cannot afford internet or computers such as some of the aged.

    I could go on, however there will always be a hard copy of a Newspaper and thats the one I will buy. I am sure there will be some who agree and some who think my thoughts are against change. I just want my hard copy paper when I go and buy it.


  2. mark fletcher

    Derek, I agree with your assessment. Wired are pinching us to engage. I do think the hard copy will change considerably and soon. We have been insulated here for a long time. For example, in the US many papers have stopped printing stock quotes whereas here they continue.

    Just this year News and Fairfax have committed to breaking news when it breaks and not treating online as the poor cousin. This will drive more people online and the result will be a decay in retail sales and this will have consequences.



  3. Derek

    It is true that consequences will happen, that is why people who own newsagents must realise that the model that has been used for so long now will soon be like an elastic band, the shapes are endless and I hope your supporters and NewXpress partners come to terms with it and start being proactive. The challenges you have highlighted in many past posts are here.


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