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VTAC Guide season

vtac_2007.JPGIt is VTAC Guide (a book listing tertiary courses) season in Victoria so we are using part of the dance floor to promote them.

Past experience tells us that we have a few days to move the bulk of the stock before sales slow to a dribble – history shows that between 75% and 80% of all stock is sold in the first week and the remainder over the next three months.

With something like the VTAC guide there is no point in being all that pretty – hence the trestle table stuck in this high traffic area. This approach gives the feeling of urgency and hence serves our goal this year to sell 200 to 300 within a week.

We have a display of stationery next to the VTAC Guide to attract add-on sales from people driven to us for the guide.


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  1. Jarryd Moore

    Interesting. Here in NSW (and the ACT) it is called the UAC Guide. Although we will get some copies most students will get them free through schools. Not much point in promoting it here.


  2. Graeme


    Location maybe the difference her. We too will sell around 200 of the UAC guides, even though as you say they are free to those in year 12.


  3. Jarryd Moore


    I think you are right. It may depend on the individual schools in ones area as to whether students get them free.

    You say you alone will sell around 200 in your area. Even if students here did not get them free we would simply not have the numbers of year 12 students to come anywhere close to selling that many. I doubt we could even justify a power end or front of store display.


  4. mark fletcher

    A strong market for us is people considering taking up study again. Not just year 12.


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