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Easter marketing tips for newsagents

Here are some sales/marketing tips for Easter which I put together a week ago for Tower Systems users – I share it here in case some visitors find the ideas useful. Some are old chestnuts and others are, well, different.

Egg Hunt. Invite families in to hunt your store for eggs on one day. Make this a big event. Get the local paper to take some photos. Let the school, kinder and other groups know.

Easter Bonnet Parade. Invite oldies groups, retirement villages and similar places in to do a parade. This could be on the same day as the egg hunt. The more groups you involve the more your name will spread in the community.

Colouring contest. An oldie and a goodie. Get a good image and hive kids colour it in. The key is to display all the entries – note on the form that you will display all entries as this gets parents coming in to look at the work of their kids.

Easter of all nations. Invite your customers to write about Easter from the perspective of their nationality. Keep the brief histories to a page. See how many countries you can get represented. This could really help cross cultural boundaries and connect people who otherwise may not have met.

Window decoration. Invite a school class or kinder to paint your window in an Easter theme.

Egg race. Put a big chocolate egg on a small spoon and see who can race a distance around the shop without dropping the egg.

How to make a bonnet. Create an advice sheet or some flyer which helps people participate in Easter. There are other sheets you could do: why send an Easter card or traditional Easter meals etc. The more knowledgeable and useful you appear the more people will rely in you for seasonal connections.

Of course, the various events noted could all be done on the one day, creating something wonderful for all ages.


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