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Dirt Action magazine sales fall due to bagging?

dirt-action.JPGSales of Dirt Action magazine fell with the latest issue and I wonder if this is because it was bagged with an old magazine and promoted as a premium product.  It could equally be sue to the magazine not being browser friendly.  Or, it could be a natural dip in the sales cycle.

Publishers often tell me that magazine sales increase when they bag the current issue with an old issue.  I struggle to believe this.  My observations of shoppers indicates that bagging magazines is a barrier to browsing and this must impact sales.


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  1. PETER

    is their perception of an increase in sale due to the fact that they are counting each “bag” sale as a sale of 2 issues? therefore doubling their quantities?


  2. Michael

    Heard two teenaged girls yesterday both say, and agree with one and other that they hate it when they bag Girlfriend magazine as they “don’t know what’s in it”.

    Publisher and Newsagent lost a sale because of it.


  3. ERIC

    they keep sending me 4 copies since stone age , but i never sold 1 .


  4. D R

    Love Bags + add ons


  5. jeff

    It is a PROVEN publishing fact that more sales are gained by bagging magazines (with a history of doing it) such as Dirt Action and many of the other bagged motoring/surfing magazines.. Ive previously worked in publishing and every time we didn’t bag a mag they lost sales.. Every time.. Im a purist and think browsing is important and so is the quality of the editorial, but the figures don’t lie..


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