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Halloween boosts retail theatre

halloween-ghost.JPGI love Halloween for the retail theatre opportunities as much as the sales.  We have had the season up for a week and a half and have already booked more than hundreds of dollars in sales.

One of the best theatre opportunities we have found this year is the spooky mirror.  It senses when people walk past and a ghost appears (see photo) with some haunting works.  Customers of all ages love it.

We have even had people bring friends in to show them the mirror which is great because the mirror is half way into the store.

While national retailers like Coles and the Reject Shop offer Halloween products, we are in the season longer, offer better value (while retaining an excellent margin) and earn good repeat business.

This is our fifth year doing Halloween and each year has been bigger and more fun than the last.  Halloween is an excellent seasonal opportunity for newsagents.  GNS is offering products this year.

Newsagency opportunities

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  1. Peter

    Hi Mark,

    I love it… where did you get it from?




  2. Mark

    LDC Distributors. 03 9587 7450 Check out the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHpuZOBsLz4


  3. Squee

    I’ve been curious for ages… does anyone complain (talking mainly elderly customers here obviously) about the Halloween product? Constantly comes up into subjects with the elderly about how “americanised” we are..even though its hardly an americo-centric event at all.


  4. Aaron

    I wouldn’t so much call it complaining, but I’ve had some people comment on the Americanizing of Australia.

    But most people really get into it, as it is a fun season, and for the students, muck up day is coming up also.


  5. Mark

    Squee, the occasional complaint. I hear more compliments. It can be a good family outing.


  6. Aaron

    Mark the mirrors are awesome.

    Especially hilarious when a group of teenage girls comes up to the mirror to fix their hair and get a well deserved fright.


  7. Mark

    We had a customer go nuts at one of my stores today about the mirror saying that the kids with her will have nightmares now. Then she went on to bag our Halloween – just before she bought one of her kids fake blood from the Halloween stand.


  8. Aaron

    Mark, I’m just wondering, has anyone ever complained about Halloween on religious/moral grounds?

    How can you deal with a situation in which a customer gets really…passionate about certain held beliefs or morals.


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