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Closed for ANZAC Day

ANZAC Day is one of the quietest retail days of the year in my experience. This is why we are closing this year. We get more from having the whole day off than staffing for half a day at public holiday penalty rates.

Newsagency management

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  1. Chris

    We are open until midday. I sold 3 Pokemon collector sets worth $60 before 7am and a heap of beanie boos (just after dawn service), of course the usual 30 teles and 30 heralds. If I only sold the papers it would not be worth it but the products with extra GP are the reason I open. There would be a considerable difference between a strip shop and shopping centre on Anzac Day. Dawn services and the march through town bring in foot traffic. Once the march finishes it is time to close as the day really slows.
    Every shop is different and I would advise studying your figures to decide on opening. Do not open because News Ltd, Fairfax, Tatts etc say you should!!


  2. Cuddles

    Did all Newsxpress stores close today?
    Because everyone trading under a brand is connected and responsible for customer perception associated with the brand.
    Or it was two and a half years ago.


  3. Mark Fletcher

    The brand is newsXpress Cuddles, but I suspect you know that.

    Gee you must not have much going on in your life to give you the time to trawl back through blog history to find a quote that is not relevant to this post.

    The post you quote relates to in-store operational services. My post today is about circumstances unique to the centre hosting one of my newsagency businesses. Shoppers know the hours thanks to a good online presence.

    newsXpress members can make local decisions as appropriate to their situation. That is the nature of the agreement. tatts, on the other hand, has a very different agreement in place.

    Tell people who you are so they can understand your stalking of me.


  4. Cuddles

    Mark and I use to have a thing… but it didn’t work out.

    And having a good memory, knowing how to use a search function and pointing out hypocrisy aint stalking.

    Anyway that’s it’s for me here. You are acting to emotional. Over and out.


  5. Mark Fletcher

    I have no idea who you are. There is no hypocrisy in this post.

    No emotion, just the facts, which you prefer to keep secret.


  6. Lance

    Mark, simply ignore cuddles.
    He/she is more trouble than he/she is worth.
    Nothing of any substance comes from him/her.

    Don’t feed them.


  7. Paul S

    I never open ANZAC day. TBH in part I think it’s disrespectful. I donate all of my dailys for that day to the local Services Club so the diggers have something to read if they wish to and attend Dawn Service myself and go home.


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