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Three questions for newsagents

Newsagency management

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  1. Graeme Day

    Mark, What an excellent Video. I like the “what you are to your clientele” bit as I believe this does sepaerate the Indie from the Chain so to speak.
    I hope people take notice and put it into practice.
    if I may there is one other essential (in my opinion) that you can add that I thought about and then developed. I was frequently asked a the Seminars I presented by the audience “What is it you need to be successful?” is it Business Diploma a Retail Certificate 4 etc?
    After due consideration of a few weeks I said.
    “When at school in my day it was about A’s it was not about Diplomas.
    The Three AAA’s you need to be successful are:
    ATTITUDE: If you don’t have a good attitude -Leave Now-for you’re not going to make it anywhere.
    APPLICTION: You need to apply this positive and good attitude to everything you do and with everyone that does work with you. Even the stuff you don’t like-either farm it out or do it with enthusiam.
    ACCOUNTABILITY: If it’s your business then the Buck stops Here! be accountable-have your staff if they don’t know say I will find out or sorry it our mistake we’ll fix it. It aint’t noboby’s problem but yours it may not be of your diong but it’s of your fixing-that’s accountability- This the Banks failed Big time and the result a R.C.
    I finished with Don’t forget Inspire to Aspire before you Expire”
    The last is not original but relevant as is the three AAA’s which one an award for a large Business presentation on motivation and success a few months ago so it is still current in thinking.
    Your video encapsulates the very essence of small business and sets it aside from the others especailly the seeking of consumers from near and far which I believe is another window for this channel as with time shortage being a family problem our hours of service and flexibility are another feature.
    I thought your total presentaton to be professionally put and focused with the three points.


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