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What are newsagents looking for in suppliers right now?

There are three key attributes newsagents are looking for is suppliers right now. I say this based on many conversations over the last few weeks with newsagents, including plenty of independent operators, as well as with suppliers who have generously shared newsagent feedback.

  1. Agility.
  2. Supply certainty.
  3. Australian made.

Suppliers ticking all three boxes are doing better than those that do not.

Agility is about responding to marketplace needs – consumer and retailer needs – in a timely and appropriate manner. Some suppliers have done this well, making decisions quick time to help local retailers, like newsagents, better serve in rapidly changing situations.

Supply certainty is in part about actually having what is needed when it is needed and in part about clear communication about supply. Suppliers who lean into their situation and communicate openly and respectfully win kudos while suppliers who respond only after others have highlight their challenges suffer.

Australian made, where possible for a product category is important right now and, I suspect well into 2021. While not possible for all product categories, especially where brands are overseas based, Australian made is possible for more than many retailers currently think of.

While many retailers are looking for attributes beyond the three I have listed here, these are the top 3 by far. They matter. I know of examples where suppliers engaging on all three or two of the three are doing well.

newsagency of the future

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