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Politics fails newsagents in Victoria

I am told that at the VANA Board meeting yesterday, Board members were convinced to call in the Australian Electoral Commission to handle the election of a Chairman. Why eight Directors could not conduct themselves to elect a Chairman is a mystery. It suggests that the new Directors went into the meeting ill prepared.

Newsagents have challenging relationships with suppliers and they, rightly or wrongly, rely on their associations to navigate better outcomes. Yesterday’s events at the VANA Board meeting indicate that VANA is distracted more by politics than the needs of its members.

Members can respond by taking control of the association, quitting or leaving it to someone esle to sort out. Newsagents can get the association they want if they actively engage and take control. The VANA Constitution has mechanisms for achieving this.

The VANA Board has demonstrated that it does not want newsagents controlling its direction by the way it has called the November 11 meeting to discuss industry matters. Newsagents can fix this.

Newsagency challenges

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  1. Vicanon

    What an unbelievable situation. 8 people elected by newsagents can’t conduct a vote for a chairman!!!

    Another indication that VANA aren’t capable of anything important, even with a new board.

    This is more like a “Thomas the Train” episode than an industry association except they want newsagents and suppliers to take them seriously.

    It’s worse than a joke.


  2. Derek

    One may ask do VANA have the actual members interests at heart, do the actual members get feedback on what is really going on, they are getting ripped off.

    You are right Politic’s has no place whats so ever in this association for example. Politic’s in this case is another word for POWER.


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