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NSW newsagents ignore the ANF

I am told that only 12 NSW newsagents voted in the election of their director to represent the state on the ANF Board. If this number or something close to it is right then to relevance of the association has been judged by newsagents. Marking a vote on a ballot and posting this is the most passive engagement one could have with an association. It challenges the ANF claim to represent newsagents.

The ANF Board could further challenge newsagent perception of its relevance if it does not immediately hold another election given that the result is a draw. To leave the choice of NSW Director to the Board would alienate NSW newsagents and key ANF staff who are shell-shocked at the performance of the organisation over the last few months. However, it does not matter since the organisation is of little relevance and does not represent newsagents despite what it may think.

UPDATE (28/11): Common sense has prevailed and the ANF has advised that the election will be recalled with a result expected prior to Christmas.

Newsagency challenges

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  1. Michael

    So what will we do without a national body? There must some simple form of association we can all form to represent us.


  2. daniel

    This result seems very similar to other results in the past. The vote to become an ANF director is not representative and it would demonstrate that the board continues to be not reflective of the membership. I think Mark is right, the apathy displayed in the vote should sound an alarm to the ANF about relevance.


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