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Class action on lottery space in newsagencies?

The Age published a good report from Michael Bachelard yesterday about how Tattersalls has blocked Intralot from accessing the best real estate for lottery product and the possibility of a class action.  Michael contacted me on Thursday, after he had been working on the story for some time – I was happy to answer his questions.


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  1. Michael

    This will be interesting. After I did negotiating with the three tobacco companies, I learned that when they get there stand in, they prefer to leave it in. Even if the contract is expired, the one with the stand in your store will be quiet – they have more “space” out there than the competition.

    Tatts look like they’re doing the same thing in a way, but taking up the space yet not having the product.

    I hope Newsagents will get something out of this, like maybe the ten grand back that they had to pay to get Intralot.


  2. Helen

    More class actions from intralot…50 people sacked this week..they are in the death spiral


  3. DB


    I caught the end of something about intralot on the news at around 11.00am. I am not sure what it was about but it was mentioned that the govt had lost a lot of money and that Intralot had fines for not fullfilling their obligations. It was also mentioned that they did not deliver on their promise to have the Lucy Bingo Star incorporated into a television show. I have not heard anything since. Has anyone caught any news?


  4. Mark

    The State Government has a case to answer because, I am told, they promised Intralot access within retail and then did not defend this when the access was not delivered. While Intralot has made plenty of mistakes, they have have transformed their business over the last six months.

    in terms of fines, I understand that there was one and it was of a minor nature.


  5. Marg

    While I’ve seen marginal growth in my intralot sales since the inception of the 2 new games I can honestly say I can’t remember the last time I sold a bingo ticket. I still promote it by having posters in prime positions but people just aren’t playing it.

    Intralot have obviously made a concerted effort in the last few months in regards to more advertising to get Awareness for the product out there, in saying that though I think it’s a matter of too little too late with the damage being done.

    If they hadve done this from day one and did their research then maybe the story
    wouldve been a little different but it appears the horse has already bolted unfortunately.

    Weren’t they supposed to be re-jigging the format of keno to make it more player friendly and similar to how it used to be? Maybe if/when they do we’ll get back at least some of the players we lost When they changed it so radically.


  6. Helen

    News reprts claimed Intralot put off 50 staff last week,nearly 1/3 of their workforce,even my tiny mind says thats not a terribly great sign…and they also claimed intralot are reinvestigating legal possibilities for reccompense that they were advised had no chance of success once before,smacks of desperation to me


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