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Art Australia is like art in a gallery – look don’t buy

art_australia.JPGArt Australia does not sell in our newsagency.  We return what we receive.  NDD knows this yet they continue to send the title – as a demonstration of their distribution skills (not!).  The best way for NDD to respond to this blog post and other complaints about oversupply is for them to fix the problem and deliver supply on equitable terms.  Titles with less than 60% sell through are loss making for shopping centre newsagents yet NDD continues to send titles like Art Australia which deliver a 0% sell through.

NDD would be better off investing the money they are spending on legal pursuit of me because posts at this blog on fixing the supply model which is sucking my cash and the cash of other newsagents through oversupply as described above.

magazine distribution

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  1. SHANE

    Ndd over supply yer received 17 My Wedding in March returnrd 7 I still have 6 on the shelf now they send me another 7 of the same issue, so I returned all but 2. One of the many things about the companys that gets up my nose Is I thought the contracts went somthing like they would supply a resonable quantity of a product that they thought we could sell, now this is gross over supply and I have to pay the freight among other costs for they gross over supply. I dont mind paying the freight on the return of unsold product of resonable supply but on gross over supply why should I be out of pocket.


  2. Michael

    Wouldn’t that money their using be our credits? I don’t really want to see NDD pursuing Mark, I’d like to see them invest in a better distribution model.

    Lets face it. Some titles are duds that Newsagents should be able to order when they have a customer that requires it.

    A Publisher WIN, Distributer WIN, Newsagent WIN, Customer WIN, SITUATION.


  3. Derek

    Every reader of this blog should in my opinion support Mark by a small comment if they suffer blatant oversupply from NDD if it is happening in their business. Shame to see 1 man taken the fall for all Newsagencies.

    My personal view is to expose them and bring it out in the open and have NDD investigated by the ACCC.

    Every copy they distribute they get money.



  4. greg

    Include us in that boat.


  5. Max

    Back to our ALPHA favourite.
    I sell 0 or 1.
    I received over 12 months supply this month.
    I probably received 12 months supply of Readers Digest as well


  6. SHAUN s

    same here with alpha ,inside football , artworld


  7. Y&G

    Count us in. Even if we don’t work with them any more – we certainly had our fair share of stuff we didn’t ask for.


  8. Warrick

    Alpha, what’s that. We use to get it from news but I am quite happy that NDD dont.

    PS. Anybody know what happened to The Australian yesterday in Queensland.



  9. James

    We carry 20 or more (lots more) titles that NDD oversupply. If you want a good laugh, review your standing orders on their website. The screen will show your last 3 sales (usually something like 1-0-1) and next to that is displayed your standing order (usually 5 or more). Any regulating body would only have to do 5 minutes research to prove that NDD are blatantly tying up our cash.


  10. Sarah

    Is there a newsagent that isn’t oversupplied by NDD. For fun we wasted our time this week adjusting supplies only to most of them rejected.

    Warwick: they are doing maintenance of the presses which means they are at least one short during the week. There was a fault the other night – we’re in Central Queensland and they held up the Couriers to try and get the Australian’s on the truck and we still only got the CM…



  11. Y&G

    Sarah, we tried changing our orders, too. Same result for some. Couldn’t believe they would reject a title that couldn’t boast even one copy sold previously.
    Clearly there was something in it for them!


  12. Danny

    Maybe I am one of the few that don’t really complain about NDD oversupply. Network oversupply, defiantly. We don’t sell much of the huge range they send us but they take them back when they don’t sell. How good is that ! My only complaint is the amount of full returns. Comments made on this site about ferm sale or sale or return. How could we possible know which Mags will sell? NDD send us some really strange titles that I would not think would sell, but it does. They are prepared to swap titles around at their expense to help us all make money and all they get is complaints. I get 98 % of cancelled titles stopped. They send me something else in its place, but hey, there are thousands of titles out there, and I don’t have time to pick and choose. There are comments about NDD technology should be able to start and stop titles, but give it a break, ya want them so come in your shop and sell them as well. NDD probably have some great software, problem is they have humans running it. In the heat of the moment I have made the comment myself, that it is hardly worth having NDD because of little sales, but then I ask myself what do we make profits from in a Newsagent, it is a lot of little profits sales to hopefully add up to a big profit overall. Positive thinking and supporting the suppliers that support us is the way make money. If ya not happy with NDD just cancel your contract and stop supply. As far as Alpha is concerned, I am not going to take it off the shelf, the 4 copies I sell make some money, half as much as I made before, but still another drop in the puddle. Those 4 copies would make stuff all difference to the publishers, and the 18 copies they sent me is a hell of a lot less that the 30 copies HWT sent me and would not reduce. I will cut my supply back and I doubt I will have a problem. The main problem I have is with NDD is tops not full, returns. Sale or Return, don’t mess with it.


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