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Crosswords do sell with women’s magazines

lovatts_big_crossword.JPGLast month, 80% of sales of Lovatts BIG Crossword were achieved from this one pocket next to the Australian Women’s Weekly.  That’s close to 30 units sold from one pocket.  In the first two days of on-sale of the new issue of BIG Crossword, all copies sold have come from this pocket.  Newsagents who do not promote crossword titles next to AWW or their weekly magazines are not achieving their maximum potential.


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  1. Terry Thelwell

    Mark, your experience is mirrored through many agents who do the same thing. Just 3 or 4 of the best selling Lovatts titles placed adjacent to the AWW.
    This can lead to an introdution of the Crossword magazines to the many readers who complete the crosswords in AWW but are unaware of the different types of crossword magazines available. Crossword sales per capita are much higher in the U.K where the crossword section is always next to the popular Women’s weeklies. It’s a natural fit with a similar demographic.


  2. eric

    could you show us how you manage to display those a5 size or smaller sudoku and xword puzzles. thanks


  3. kellie

    eric we got some plastic pockets from lovatts they slide half way down between the rows and the mags are put in them, keeps them at a good height


  4. Terry Thelwell


    If you send me your details I’ll have some of the Lovatts lifters sent to you.
    email me at terryt@lovatts.com.au


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