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Need to watch Wrapaway

vint-rtuck.JPGLocal magazine distributor Wrapaway snuck this vintage truck title in under the radar. While I am happy to cater to the special interest group targeted by the title, I and other newsagents should have been consulted on volume. My other issue with Wrapaway stock is that it does not come through XchangeIT, meaning manual processing. Groan. There should not be a single item getting access to newsagencies outside of an electronic invoice process.


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  1. shaun s

    Lets look at fairfax .is there any word on when they are going to start using exchangit ?


  2. PETER

    why aren’t all suppliers using electronic invoicing?
    NEWSPAPERS, drinks, confectionary, tobacco….etc

    why do i, and im sure many other newsagents, still have to manually input our coke invoices.

    any why are the newspapers so far behind. i would have thought the sales report files would be a great asset to them.


  3. Mark

    Not that I have heard Shaun.


  4. Bruce

    Mark, at least Vintage is a new title that has sold already (at least in my area). Have a look to see if you also received the new Supersize magazine via Wrapaway. $19.95 worth of some publisher’s ego!! It will go straight back this month!


  5. Bruce

    Sorry – its called Superfoto.


  6. eric

    i made 3 pages list of newspapers and mags that i don’t want to wrapaway. i am frustrated the way they audit my returns so many descrepancies.


  7. Miles

    Superego is more appropriate.

    I was amazed that someone could produce such a magazine without anyone (printer, distributor, etc.) advising them that it was ‘unsellable’.
    I would need to be selling at least 20 copies before I could devote so much space to one magazine.
    It won’t fit in a waterfall and it’s to big for out flat display areas.
    This one went straight to the returns pile.


  8. Wendy

    We don’t receive any stock from Wrapaway, but the Fairfax titles have been nothing but a nightmare. We can’t early return (no guarantee of credits). The recall listing on Connect only lists onsale date, no issue titles or codes and since we cannot process the magazines as completely as they are done with XChangeIT, the returns are much more time consuming. Currently have 9 titles in the returns pile (some of which have been replaced on the shelves with new issues over 2 weeks ago), titles for which we have paid on a weekly account, but can’t yet claim for credit. By the time Fairfax sort out things with XChangeIT, it’s fair to say we will have taken the hit financially for their inefficiencies.


  9. Jarryd Moore

    We cut all our wrapaway titles, except Hunter Lifestyle, some months ago. We continued to receive publications we would return for months on end.


  10. June

    We also have Fairfax magazines coming in thick and fast but they can be returned through the “claims” section
    on connect.
    I don’t wait for them to appear at their leisure. I return them when I consider I have given them enough time to sell.


  11. shaun s

    unbelievable just received mags from wrapaway . who just decides to open account and just start sending stock .What the hell is going on in an industry where any company can decide to start sending stock . no invoice no prices no nothing just a mag and a piece of paper . oh well closed that account straight away not interested in anyone that just decides to supply me with out me even knowing about it


  12. Glenn

    I had the same, totally unsolicited supply of titles i do not want. Straight in the bin they went, paperwork and all.

    I have no record of ever receiving that stock and no record of opening an account with them – sorry! They will need to chase me to close my account and write off whatever balance is owing. Just too rude and no respect.


  13. shaun s

    try sending them a paper in the mail every day with a premium delivery fee ,see if they would like to pay that bill even though they never asked for the paper . same thing . That is what i am going to do when i receive a bill from them for something i never asked for i will mail out a paper with a delivery fee ,account keeping fee and what ever elde i can think of to make up the difference


  14. Wendy

    A less paranoid person might think my last comment here invited Wrapaway to supply an unsolicited title to my business. Unsolicited. So very wrong.
    What was the harm in the company contacting me directly to either ask if I would like to set up an account, or even if I would like to receive any titles distributed by them? We will never know, since they did not.


  15. Wendy

    And since they did not, I take that to mean that company neither respects nor regards newsagents as business people.


  16. shaun s

    Wendy they told me that there is to many to call up that is why . Just imagine the day we can send emails WOULDN”T that be handy .
    same here wendy if they had botherd to call me or email asking if i am interested i most likely would have said yes.


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