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Weather patterns and magazine sales

Tyler Brûlé, Editor-in-chief of Monocle magazine, has written an interesting piece for the Financial Times about how print media engagement  changes with weather patterns.

While the UK news trade still has to pull itself into this century, retailers in the Baltic countries recognise the relationship between weather, dimmer days and media consumption. The Swedes and Norwegians have become particularly good at understanding what constitutes a proper media diet and how it changes with a rise or fall in the mercury.

There is no doubt that print media consumption changes in Australia with the weather.  Reading this piece by Brûlé makes me wonder if we could be smarter in leveraging weather opportunities in our newsagencies.  I appreciate that some of us do this now as seasons change – garden magazines in Spring for example.

I think that Brûlé is writing more about leveraging the weather as we find it today.  For example, shopping centres fill when it is raining outside.  What if we were to create a display of great magazine reading to enjoy while in front of the fire and a glass of red or a soup?  I could see this working.

It’s not often that we created displays which respond to the conditions of a single day.  Maybe we should experiment.  It’s certainly a way to position the print experience and drive sales of print products in our newsagencies.

I am grateful to a regular here who shared the link to Brûlé’s article.


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  1. Allan Wickham

    I remember once a Teen Magazine (Dolly from memory) had a free umbrella with it. One particular day it was belting down so we put a display together for this Magazine and watched them fly out the door. It was very funny watching 80 year old woman buying Dolly Mag as well as a few blokes.


  2. MAX

    A question on grammar. Was the 80 year old lady buying a few blokes or were a few blokes buying Dolly ?

    If it is the former, what sort of newsagency do you run ????????
    ( Hey its coffee time !!! )


  3. Allan Wickham

    Couldnt put that option past a few of the old dears that shop with me either i suppose Max, some of them do get a bit cheeky !!!!


  4. Vicki

    Can you return the blokes if they don’t live up to the advertisement? Are they covered under the new consumer guarantees?


  5. MAX

    The blokes may be returned if they are unused and in original condition and you have the original packaging.
    In my case this is impossible as I have put on 20kg, lost 60% of hair. rest of hair is grey and look worse for wear.


  6. SHAUN S

    JUST TO FUNNY i have been thinking of something to say but i had nothing


  7. Allan Wickham

    OK people, next time i will check to see that i an “Grammatically Correct”. I suppose i should be grateful “Spellchecker” wasnt on my case. Vicki, if you post the details of what year model you are chasing i will see what i have in stock, and Max, i have forwarded your details to said liitle old dears and the interest thus far has been pretty good…maybe we should auction you off !!!


  8. h

    thanks for the giggle – this is what I live in
    Australia for, best sense of humour ever


  9. MAX

    Tell the old dears that I am available thanks to my ex !


  10. allan wickham

    Max, i knew a bloke who was unlucky in love twice…..his 1st wife left him and the second wife wont!!!!!!


  11. MAX

    I was lucky in love once. The ex left.

    A customer said,” I have never seen someone so happy that their wife left !!!!!!!!!!


  12. Vicki



  13. gavin

    More interesting stuff from Tyler on the future of retail here: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/e6fdd762-20bf-11e1-8133-00144feabdc0.html


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