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Newsagent associations propose home delivery changes

The state based newsagent associations are taking proposals to News Limited for changes to the distribution of newspapers.  The proposals are in response to a request from News Limited.

My understanding is that the Victorian and Queensland approaches are similar which the NSW/ACT approach is a bit different.

Some Victorian newsagents contacted me following a briefing from VANA last week to express their concerns at what they say is a narrow approach which appears to have been created to benefit those already well established with distribution only businesses.

I have not been to a VANA briefing and so cannot comment.

The reason that the states are driving this issue is because News Limited has historically managed newspaper home delivery on a state by state basis.  Indeed, today there remain significant difference between the states and how newspaper distribution is managed.

Newsagents need to engage with their respective associations to ensure that they understand what is proposed and that their views are taken on board.

newspaper home delivery

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  1. Kevin

    The silence is deafening ! There are a lot of open points in the VANA proposal. A blog discussion would be the ideal way to exchange opinions.

    Be careful that the VANA discussion groups don’t get agendas driven by a small group of insiders.

    There is a risk that that Newspaper publishers will have more control of our businesses and provide very little additional return.

    The VANA document is out there. You should all read it and GET INVOLVED.


  2. SHAUN S

    Kevin to be honest and it may make me look stupid but i have no idea what the post is even about , i must have missed something somewhere


  3. Mark

    Shaun, News asked associations to respond with proposals on the fixture structure of newspaper home delivery, as part of the overall reassessment of newspaper distribution being undertaken by News.

    This post notes that the associations are taking different approaches and that the approaches being taken are causing stress for some newsagents.


  4. David Backholer

    There is a heavy influence in the VANA proposal that mandates a fixed split of retail from Distribution and I question their right and legitimacy to do this given they represent less than 25% of Newsagents in Victoria. I also question what right they have to do this under their Charter.
    What about the Retailer/ Distribution agents who do make a profit from home delivery and who do “toe the line” with News in marketing their product. I see VANA’s proposal as breaking our Industry.


  5. john

    Just read it and it is all for the distributors.
    More money in their pockets and more cost for the retailer to ‘conform’. Less money for the retailer because the distributor pockets from servicing the retailer.
    Where do these guys get off, they are supposed to be working for all newsagents.


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