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Tatts changes new shoplift deadline, again and again

Tatts has issued three shift deadline extensions in recent weeks. Here is one announcement from a week ago:

You were initially required to have the Generation One DigiPOS Retail Image installed at your Outlet by 30 November 2017, however an extension has been granted to 30 November 2018.

Here is an announcement from yesterday:

An email was sent to you on Friday 3 November 2017 stating the requirement to have the Generation One DigiPOS Retail Image installed in your outlet by 30 November 2017 had been extended to 30 November 2018. This was incorrect.

The extension has been granted to 30 June 2018. We apologise for any confusion this may have caused.

In addition to the timing changes, there are changes to the actual look to be installed. This is sure to leave a mixture of looks out there, making a mockery of their pursuit of a consistent corporate image.

It still bothers me that they call this a DigiPOS Retail Image. It’s not. there is the image and then there is the digital marketing platform. Two different things with the latter being new capex for which tatts is yet to provide any business case and for which any business that has undertaken the works is yet to provide evidence of commercially viable revenue increase.

This post relates to my more beef about Tatts – the capex they demand of retailers in this world where there is undeniable migration  of lottery purchases to online. Tatts need to migrate purchases online, I get that. They should, in retail, contain costs for small business retailers and require them in the context of over the counter only and not online.


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  1. Amanda

    Tatts forcing the costs of DigiPOS onto franchisees is illegal. Its simple. Anybody paying for it to be installed should doing their homework.


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