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Have you had complaints about online Tatts customer winners?

A couple of newsagents have mentioned this week comments by customers complaining about division one winners being online winners, i.e. not from over the counter purchases.

I raise it here at the request of newsagents – to see if others have had such complaints.


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  1. Matt

    we never mention about online winners.(becoz many lotto players are superstitious and might switch ). When they enquire about winners we might say 2 winners from QLD, or WA amd other two from somewhere. But customers can find it anyway though.


  2. Cameron

    I kept records for a six month period last year. For every online winner, there were approximately eight lotto shop winners. In fact, each year local lotto shops create more new aussie millionaires than every other form of gambling put together. If you wanna get rich, don’t stuff around with casinos, online, horses or Nigeria. Your local lotto shop’s the best place to go. (insert thumbs up symbols) Plus, you don’t get stung by the cash advance fees that gouge many online purchasers.


  3. PAT. E

    Cameron is that your real name


  4. Peter

    Yup Mr Cameron Newsagency’s do create winners. I am celebrating a win with punters in a store syndicate of .84 cents a share and .85 cents as cash winnings after rounding woohoo!!!!


  5. Dalma

    I do not know where to go to find out how to solve this problem. I have winning scratches but do not know where to get them cashed in as I do not know where the person who gave them to me purchased them.


  6. Ro

    Dalma just go to any Newsagent that sells scratchies and most of them do, they will assist you.


  7. Sunny


    Please go to your local newsagent or lotto retailer and let them check your instant scratch-its.

    If your scratch-its were issued from your state, and less than 4 years old, then your local lotto retailer will be able to pay you in cash/free tickets.

    If your scratch-its were issued from your state, and more than 4 years old, then your local newsagent can give you a copy of prize claim form, you can follow the instruction on the form to claim the prize from Lotteries head-office in your state.

    If your scratch-its were issued from other states in Australia, then your local newsagent may help you to identify which state issued the scratch-its.
    You can request a copy of prize claim form from lotteries head-office in that state , following the instructions on the claim from, and they will send your prize by mail.


  8. Marina Thompson

    What does it mean in the results that there is two divisions called Winners and Tatts Winners. What is the different between the too. Please email me on chocsiren2000@yahoo.com.au


  9. Max owen

    What does it mean in the tattslotto results winners and Tatts winners.


  10. Max OWEN

    I have never received a reply to my query as to what is the difference between winners and Tatts winners ( jan 6 2020)could you please reply.
    Max OWEN.


  11. Mark Fletcher

    Max, you need to ask Tabcorp.


  12. H

    Max, ‘Tatts winners’ are the winners from states under the old Tatts jurisdiction (Victoria, Tasmania and Northern Territory) whereas ‘winners’ is nationwide.


  13. Rod Jackson

    Some years ago in Warrnambool I presented my Tatts ticket to be told it was a non winning ticket, however whilst I was leaving with no one else in the Newsagency the bells rang.Unfortunately I should have returned to the cash register, however due to the dishonesty of the owner who kept my Tatts ticket I believe this incident should be investigated and his banking proceedings being checked?
    I look forward to hearing from you on how I can follow up with a suitable outcome.


    • Margaret

      always check the winning numbers on your ticket Before you go to collect/check at a news agency.


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