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The Chaser offers free News Corp. masthead unsubscription service

Satirical site The Chaser offers to unsubscribe people from News Corp newspaper mastheads.

Are you sick of that crotchety old billionaire Rupert Murdoch siphoning off your hard earned cash each week? Are you tired of reading newspapers so biased, they make the Chaser seem like serious journalists by comparison? Want to just cancel your subscription to the Daily Telegraph that keeps clogging up your mailbox, but can’t be arsed waiting on the phone for three hours?

They are one of several engaged in a campaign to cut revenue to the right wing news business.


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  1. Jonathan Wilson

    As a consumer I have blacklisted News Corp as much as possible. I will not buy (or even read) any of their papers (including the Courier-Mail, Gold Coast Bulletin or Australian), I will not pay for any of their online content (nor will I visit their websites to get my news), I will not watch Sky News, Fox News or any other Murdoch TV news and I will not subscribe to Foxtel or any other content platforms owned and controlled by Murdoch.

    Rupert Murdoch has been using his news operations to influence and control politics in this country ever since he took over the Adelaide News from his father and I for one do everything I can to stop it (including pushing others not to get their news from the Murdoch empire)


  2. Graeme Day

    There are other causes of which you could achieve success more than this one

    You my friend are blurting into thunder.
    the fact that peolpe buy it in such volum and watch it means they like it.
    This is what censorship by the individual for the individual is all about like it Buy it don’t like it don’t buy it.


  3. Mark Fletcher

    Rapidly declining volume Graeme, which its good news.


  4. Graeme Day

    You misread Rupert he is cutting print media and increasing on line presence because he’s a Greenie trying to save the Forrests for Global good instead of wasting in on newsprint.


  5. Graeme Day

    Mark, the previous comment is just taking the “Piss” just incase you get concerned that i’m fairdinkum about Rupert however I am not in agreement with your paranoid assumption of his intentions of evil.


  6. Mark Fletcher

    Graeme thanks for calling me paranoid. Also, evil is your term, not mine.


  7. Graeme Day

    Probably not the words you would use but, intrusive, Lack of pleasure and agitation is a definition of which you are continually making about News Corp and Murdoch family.
    Intersting tehen you say the quotiong of all their competition knocking teir journalism and with a position of influence over this companies supply chain you say encourage peolpe not to deal with them and as for Evil another meaning for it is Wrong- of which you directly accused me of.
    No Mark you dished it out there invited commentary which I have participated in and take the play the moral high gound this al started with climate change which has nothing to do directly with our industry except publisher reporting
    Anway you’ve invited it it’s been an eye opener and discusssion has been one side on both sides
    Bush Fires by the way are not casused by Global Warming or Carbon emmission they have been raging sine 1851 being the largest by far the 1939 wit Millions of hectares damaged and 100,000’s of thousand of sheep and cattle destroyed- this was before the industrial revolution and man pollution as we know it today. The rest I garee with it neds total focus for what it is, to whip up emotion when people need direct help is divergent to the cause.


  8. Mark Fletcher

    Graeme comment away. However, labelling is unhelpful. People are responsible for their comments and not for words others out in their mouths.

    People more experienced and knowledgeable than me reported to the government several years ago that bushfires would increase and their intensity would increase.

    What we are witnessing is a serious event, which was predicted.


  9. Graeme Day

    Mark I go no futher with this you directlycalled my comment Wrong labelling me Wrong for sharing a wider range of view than you have
    About those current experts of today they are fine however history of our land and its environment should also be considered henry Lawson wrote many a verse oand story about our Bush Fires in 1905
    It’s a realy good read. -Lawson style.
    I wish you well and their is no malice here just discussion and some self defence.


  10. Mark Fletcher

    Graeme I have checked this thread and I have not.


  11. eddy

    Can the chaser also unsubscribe me from the ABC as I can save 8 cents a day. as I find their views different to mine.


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