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XChangeIT newsagent EDI platform use ramps up

The old XChangeIT EDI platform for newsagents will be shutdown next month. Newsagents are being encouraged to migrate now rather than wait to the last minute.  I support this.  Panic calls once the old platfrom is turned off will be the fault of newsagents who did not prepare.  The bumps from the early weeks have been ironed out and hundreds of newsagents now successfully use the new XChangeIT Link platform.

The folks from XChangeIT sent out a new communication to newsagents yesterday:

The latest XChangeIT LINK platform has been operating very well for the last 5 weeks and so it is now time for you to upgrade to the new LINK platform.

Some of you are due for renewal in the next month or so anyway, and some who are paid up can get their renewal at no extra cash outlay because we’ll credit you for unused days.

Either way, we are closing the old platform at the end of December, so by renewing now you are getting yourself better prepared for the Christmas season.

Visit the XChangeIT web site www.xchangeit.com.au and find the link that says “click here to download an instruction pack”.

Simply follow the instructions and it should take under 30 minutes to complete your upgrade.

If you need assistance or have any questions call our support line at 1 300 551 212.

Most newsagent software companies support and this move and will help with issues, concerns or questions.

newsagent software

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