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Useful magazine barcode info could help newsagents save time and money

mlabI love the information placed with barcodes on magazines in the US. If this were included for Australian titles it would mean newsagents could choose to not label titles. – thus saving time and money. While I like knowing the quantity received when I am doing my shop floor cull, it’s not essential. Magazine publishers keen to help us drive efficiency will consider this. However, it would make it harder to re issue titles … but I’d see that as a good thing. Anything to stop magazines going around and around.


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  1. Dennis Robertson

    The placement and information on this barcode is brilliant.

    Any NA business owner that has a ‘Continuous Improvement Plan’ in place would want this.

    For Sub-agent Managing Newsagents it would mean major Distributors for once would be serious when they ask us to help Sub-agents with the returns process. To not have a label that has a Return date or ‘Display until’ date like this example is not being helpful to subagents in managing their magazine returns.

    So some Managing Agents who wish to genuinely assist Sub-agents with this are burdened with the additional and I would say unnecessary expense of labelling.

    The other aspect that has been mentioned in another thread is the brilliant positioning that would save a heap of shekels from ending up in the dust as a consequence of eliminating the time wasting in hunting for the barcode.

    So what is stopping Australian Publishers from doing this?


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