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Money saving opportunities

save_money.JPGWe have created a small display around magazines with the SAVE MONEY! theme near our front lottery counter. Each title has been chosen because it offers practical advice on how to save money from budget meals through to cutting household costs.

Most of the titles rarely get to the front of the shop. None are are collectively displayed in this way. This display demonstrates that we understand that money is tight. It also pitches that we can help people save with ideas from various categories of magazines.

This display pitches us as a magazine specialist more so than a power end display for a single title.


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  1. mary

    I have to disagree, a Premium instore display showcases 1 title and it really stands out.This display looks tacky and messy.I would not even stop to look at it, there is a huge difference in an end and a throw together of a few titles..You seem to constantly put down the instore/end display.They work, I know your store does them so they must or yo wouldn’t waste your time.But to compare the 2 types is like chalk and cheese.


  2. mark

    Mary, We do do the power displays as I blog here. We also do counter displays as I blog here. Plus we do themed displays which is what this post is about. We do these because they work very well.

    I am critical of the power display because of newsagents are required to do this. This can stop us acting like business people and that is a danger for our businesses . Remember Mary that these are our businesses and not the magazine company’s.

    If the photo makes the display look tacky then I am not a good photographer. The display, in real life, is not tacky.



  3. Norman

    Mary, the Premium instore display just highlights one magazine and could distract from all the other magazines in the store – remember the publisher wants to sell his product to the exclusion of all others.

    Displaying titles which have a theme, in this case, “Save Money”, can alert buyers to different genres, thereby encouraging them to purchase other magazines. The focus is on tempting customers to try new products that they do not normally consider.


  4. mary

    The display still looks way too busy,maybe if the titles were double faced across the unit it might look better.Go for less titles but better impact..The eye can only take in so much and a double facing would hold the eye.Still promoting more than 1 title but the titles standing out..


  5. mark

    Mary you miss the point of the display and you miss that this approach is working very well for us. mark


  6. wendy

    I agree with Mary and please don’t patronise her with your condescending remarks “that you miss the point” – not necessary as she was expressing an opinion that may well be held by a majority of your customers.
    Our single power display is like bees to a honeypot but clutter it with an avalanche of other titles creates a dog’s breakfast – just messy and not well planned


  7. mark

    Wendy, I am not patronising Mary. She does not get the purpose of this display nor does she get that this display is working. Mary can create displays as she sees fit as can I. It is part of a very well planned and managed strategy which is delivering well above average magazine sales growth. mark


  8. PB

    Although I find the display a bit cluttered it is eye catching and obviously works. Thankyou Mark for sharing your ideas with us all. It is up to us to choose what works and what doesn’t in our own shops.


  9. Wen

    We also do ‘theme’ displays in our store. While they might seem cluttered, all it takes is recognition of one title to draw a customer’s attention. One of the benefits of theme displays is, if you mix in some slow moving titles with well recognised ones from within the same ‘theme’, you have the opportunity to introduce customers to a mag they might never have noticed before on the shelf. We have gained quite a few regular putaway customers from these types of displays.


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