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The audacity of hope

I didn’t think Barack Obama would win.  I didn’t think that the US political  machine would let a junior senator have the keys to the White House.  Nor did I think enough voters would have the courage to vote for as black man as President.

For two and a half years Barack Obama has called on Americans to have hope and believe that change is possible.  A resounding majority of Americans believed him.

I see his win today as renewing faith in hope and that true change is possible if you engage the masses to work with you.

Newsagents could use the US election results as motivation to work together from the ground up to on fundamental change in our channel in pursuit of more profitable and rewarding businesses on our terms.  No one else will do this for us.  As Barack Obama showed Americans, if we want change, we have to achieve it for ourselves.

While it may seem audacious to suppliers, the real-estate which is so important to them is ours.  The sooner we operate together on some fundamentals in our channel the better. 

Yes, today’s US result ought to encourage us to pursue change on our terms.

Newsagency challenges

Join the discussion

  1. Brett

    Yes we can!


  2. Michael

    I saw it coming Mark. The Bush jokes were embarassing Americans.


  3. Bazza

    can this blog site get any more precious with condescending rubbish from its author – maybe you can solve climate change as well or find that mongrel dingo that kidnapped ma baby


  4. Michael

    It wasn’t a dingo Bazza it was dog from the local community.


  5. Bazza

    predictable as ever Michael


  6. hayley

    Interestingly, I believed the republicans still had it won until october, after which I believe that anyone other than the republicans would win, Obama is intriguing, well spoken and looks to want to move the us in a new direction, but lets not forget his roots in protectionism for the us markets and this could have an adverse effect for our country


  7. bazza

    However Hayley, the alternative was too frightening to consider –
    Sarah Palin would only be a heartbeat away from becoming a president – she was a major factor in helping to lose it for the republicans – Thank God and thank you Sarah.


  8. KH

    bad news for the moose poulation (& probably all other fauna) of Alaska though


  9. KH

    bad news for the moose population (& probably all other fauna) of Alaska though


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