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Promoting Tattersalls instore or online?

tattsoutside.JPGI am disappointed that Tattersalls has paid to place this generic poster just outside the entrance nearest our newsagency.  I would rather it promote our business or at the very least not promote online.  While you may say that they are funding the advertising and can do what they like, it’s ten steps from the poster to our shop and I would have thought that a call to action to buy from us would have worked well.  I would have shared the cost with them.


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  1. Shayne

    Its a sign of the times I’m afraid. I had a customer actually leave my store the other day because a particular product is only available online. Not only are they competing with outlets by selling online, they are providing a “point of difference” by selling products online which are not available at retail outlets. (we are in NSW by the way)


  2. Danni

    I would have thought having a big Megadraw poster like that 10 steps away from your shop would help increase your sales?? I would hardly think that a customer would walk past the poster, walk past your shop, go home, get online to purchase a ticket.


  3. Dean

    I agree with Danni. Of course nobody would walk past the poster and go play online as opposed to buying one from your shop that’s so close. I’d even bet any amount of money you’d have made more money from the poster being there than had it not.

    If only Tatts had put the same posters up near my shop, i’d have welcomed it with open arms so to speak. I only see it as a benefit not a detriment.

    I’ll be the first to agree that Tattersalls have dropped the ball on a few things of late but in my opinion this certainly isn’t one of them. In fact i reckon they gave you a free kick.


  4. Lance

    Mark, it may not be too late to take advantage of the sign.
    What response would you get if you asked to overlay a flyer on the poster pointing potential customers to your shop.
    Obviously if they sell online they pay no commission, but if they don’t sell at all, they make nothing.


  5. Mark

    It would have been a free kick if they promoted our business. The Tattersalls brand and products are well represented inside. This sign could have easily got people heading for us.



  6. ted

    One of the key messages is “Buy Instore”. Your store is in your words, “10 steps from the p[oster to your store”. You generally make some good points but sorry, this isn’t one of them. Sounds like you’re having a pot shot for the sake of it.


  7. Jarryd Moore


    What if the customer is walking out of the complex? Im already on my way out, why would I walk back in if I can just buy a ticket when I go home, back to the office or even on my phone while im walking out?

    It also has the subliminal marketing effect of maing consumers aware of the online service. They might get a ticket for this particular draw instore, but what about next time when they aren’t in close proximity to an agency?


  8. Michael

    I’m with Jarryd, but the sign also says to me that if the queue is long that you can get it online, hence Mark loses money that he would have had, had the alternative not been plastered out the front of his shop.


  9. Danni

    If the customer is walking out, they would have walked past the store. The tatts area is at the front. I would think that the customer would have seen the posters displayed instore, and walked in and purchased a ticket. Isn’t that how it usually works? I think it was out there to increase awareness. Its a tatts poster, there is a tatts shop 10 steps away- what more do you want? If you want to put a ‘call to action’ on it specific to the outlet, then we should probably do the same with the street stands- what’s the difference?
    Free kick Mark? Nothing is stopping you from putting your hand in your pocket and dishing out some cash to do something similar tailored to your shop- instead of complaining about it.
    I agree with Dean- there is plenty to whinge about, but this is a waste of time.


  10. ted

    So Tattersalls now offer customers instore and online facilities, but you don’t want them to promote one of them. I think you should get in the real world.

    I can understand your ire if the poster only promoted online but it doesn’t. It also says you can purchase your tatts tickets instore. The customer then walks 10 steps and is confronted with a store that has all the Tatts signage.

    May I suggest we spend our time discussing more important issues? I really don’t think Tatts have done anything wrong on this occasion.


  11. Jason

    I manage Mark’s store at Forest Hill.

    In the past two weeks I personally served 3 separate customers who commented – “you can buy Tattersalls online now?” These were customers who were buying Tatts from us THAT DAY but no doubt planned to check out the online service.

    Of course the online Tatts has been available for quite some time, but until that poster went up, I don’t think we ever had an inquiry about buying online.

    Tatts are directly advertising to our customers that a product we sell is available elsewhere.

    It is a matter worth discussing.


  12. Debbie

    you are right. Customers are getting the online message. They hear it and now they see it on the posters. We have had a number of customers coming in to the shop wanting us to payout their online winnings. The radio ads mention buying online all the time. This is the same as the Herald sun posters that we receive each morning to display – on the bottom in red VISIT US ON LINE AT HERALD SUN.COM.AU It certainly is worth some sort of discussion.


  13. hayley

    many store fronts now actually have their web site as part of there major signage, in our centre the following stores all push the consumer towards on line purchasing, seed, peter alexander, portmans, sportsgirl, jacquie e, cue, witchery, noticeably all major national brands but we also have a open market fish store that now advertises fresh turkey and chicken products available on line, right opposite a lenards franchise… interestingly the 12 year old in this household regularly goes onto the supre (women and girls fashion) site before she hits the store and knows what she wants.. not something i would do but her and her friends do all the time, they offer extras on line and competitions and the kids are not stupid just learning to shop in a whole new world


  14. jax

    When I read signs, all that I would have gotten out of that advertisement is ‘MEGADRAW’, and ’30 Million’. That would remind me to buy a ticket and I’d quickly buy a ticket where ever I see the closest store before I forget. I’d forget by the time I get home. I wouldn’t have bothered with reading the rest unless I was sitting at the bus-stop and bored to death. I only buy online if I’m already at home and won’t be leaving home. Honestly- I prefer something tangible so instore is always my 1st preference.


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