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Newsagents love Gotch magazine supply initiative

Last year, Tower Systems, my software company, introduced a magazine supply adjustment initiative with Gordon and Gotch.  It allowed newsagents to make adjustments at a more logical time and place in the business than any other adjustment opportunity available to newsagents.

At the recent round of Tower Newsagent user meetings newsagents have told me how much they like the facility.  By eliminating the need to call the call centre or use a website, they like being able to see the need for an adjustment, action it immediately and receive confirmation from Gotch.  In a couple of cases they say this is saving an hour a week.

The mission for all newsagency software companies is to focus on time saving opportunities.  Cutting the time involved in managing magazines is crucial to the viability of magazines in our newsagencies.

magazine distribution

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  1. shaun s

    this would have to be a major selling point on its own . it is a hell of a lot quicker than doing it any other way ,it actually makes it to easy i am supprised they would like the idea . Is there any plan in the near future for the other 2 suppliers doing it the same way ?


  2. PETER

    + 1 for me. quick easy. what about the other 2?

    as the distributiobn model is broken, this is the quickest way to bang your head against the wall.
    we ask for our standing order to be changed, then after a few issues at the requested amount….. boom you get 200% too many.

    i use tower, and love the gotch supply request function, it just doesnt work properly at the other end. it is a great start though.


  3. kellie

    i must be missing something how do you adjust gotch mags by using tower


  4. PETER


    yes we can go to a stock screen (atl T) and see all the sales and return stats, along with a yellow button at the bottom where i can change the qty we would like to recieve and this sends an email to a special gotch address and someone there changes it.

    the process takes less time than it does to find the phone gotch number


  5. kellie

    thanks peter have a great day


  6. justin

    I have been doing this for 3 weeks but don’t receive confirmation back from Gotch .Is there an advice sheet?


  7. Mark

    Justin, check with the Tower support team. They’ll help you sort out any issue.


  8. shaun s

    i to do not get any confirmations back anymore when it first started i did all the time , but i am still seeing the stock items getting cut back so it must be working


  9. Y&G

    Just a quick aside..
    I discovered last week that Network prioritise phonecalls over emails regarding communications from agents. In other words, while Gotch respond very well to emails (in our experience), it takes several days to hear back from Network.
    Dark ages (even by our luddite standards!), or what?
    Problem with Gotch? Email.
    Problem with Network? Ring them up.


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