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ACCC investigation into Network take over of NDD titles still active

The informal review being conducted into the take over of the distribution of magazine titles by Network Services from NDD which I blogged about here on October 9 is still accepting submissions from what I understand. This is contrary to the indicative timeline on the ACCC website.

Newsagents with an opinion or concerns about the switch of titles from NDD to Network ought to follow the contact details on the ACCC website if they wish to be heard.

magazine distribution

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  1. tracy stevens

    hi i am from a very small newsagency and i am receving about 6to 8 magazines of the same one i dont like to stock aww cook books as you have to pre pay form them and yet they keep sending them every month my bill seams to be way more than i think it should be. but they keep teling me it’s becouse they have taken over ndd i tell them that i never paid over $200.00 with ndd not the $1000.00 more on my account now.!!!!


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