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Justin Bieber cards – before his new hair style

beiber-cards.JPGLike plenty of newsagents I am sure, we received these Justin Bieber cards this week.  The challenge is where to put them.  There was a time when newsagents happily gave over prime counter space to these impulse lines without thinking.  Today we are so many more impulse opportunities for the counter delivering 50% margin and more.  We will give the Bieber cards a go at the counter but we will watch their performance as this space is valuable.  the best we can hope for us a rush by young girls and a sell out in a week.

I’d like to see counter lines like this attract a premium margin given the premium space we need to provide.  50% would be reasonable in my view.

The other issue with the cards is that they are so yesterday – Justin Bieber has a new hair style, apparently.

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  1. vaughan

    Another issue; delayed billing…….which means i cannot early return the crap!


  2. Mark

    Vaughan you can early return them I am told. FYI we have them at the counter and they are selling slowly. Maybe the weekend will see a pick up.


  3. Glenn

    we got 2 displays, sold 1 display + a bit more in 24 hours. I too thought it was crap, my 13 year old daughter (and a few others it seems) beg to differ!


  4. Ben

    A recent arrival was GOMU, I liked the price point and felt that parents would by them for the little ones that were not old enough for Pokemon. And yes I was right, sold out the first box, ordered another, and now told that there is no more stock. What’s the point of getting the kids started on something and then not having the stock to reap the rewards?


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