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Sunday newsagency management tip: Should newsagents sack themselves?

Newsagency owners lead their businesses because they paid to purchase the business. Having the capacity to fund the purchase of a newsagency does not mean you have the leadership skills to run the business.

So, we all need to ask ourselves, are we the best person for the job? Do we have the skills and vision to give to the business what it needs to navigate greater commercial success.  Do we have the energy and drive?

Having the right to sign cheques for the business does not mean you are the right person … hence the question.

It is important every business owner asks this, that we test whether we are the right leader for our business at this time. Strong leadership is on show when someone says they are not the right leader and acts on it.

So, I pose the question … are you the right leader for your newsagency and if not what will you do about it.  I’m not making a judgement in asking the question, just challenging you to look at yourself and your business.

Rather than sacking yourself you could work on your skills, vision and energy and develop yourself into a more valuable leader for this business. You could also quit, handing the reins to someone more skilled.

Okay this may not be practical, or may not appear to be practical. I know of newsagents who have left the business, taken employment elsewhere and installed a manager who has revitalised the business. So, what may not appear to be practical today may be made to work tomorrow.

Think about the best leader for your business. If you know that it is not you, do something about that.

Newsagency management

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  1. Paul

    Thanks Mark.

    This is quite possibly one of your most thought provoking posts ! Has me thinking about what I can do to make sure “I’m the right person for the job”.


  2. Allan Wickham

    I had a real good look at this Mark and told my wife i was going to sack myself. She told me “nobody gets out that easy”………..


  3. rick

    my retrenchment package did not look so good


  4. Mark Fletcher

    Thanks for the feedback. It can be hard to assess ourselves and our worth to our businesses objectively.


  5. allan wickham

    I took your challenge Mark and have decided to sack myself……i am still here while i try to find a replacement……harder than i thought it might be.

    Seems as though nobody out there wants to work between 50 and 60 hours a week for the same amount of money that i get……funny that LOL!!!!!


  6. h

    Baz and I sacked ourselves for Monday and Tuesday, leaving the staff to cope with Ozlotto, sort of a “stress test”. The staff came up trumps, the customers even gave us less grief than usual when we got back. I am determined to keep doing this, having developed routines and procedures that work if followed!


  7. Shauns

    No way would I have missed mon and tues nothing better than seeing how many people can fit in your shop on a big draw.


  8. h

    LOL shaun, believe me I’ve seen plenty of people since Wed , a personal commiseration on every losing ticket is a must ! Going gangbusters this morning and more to come next week with Powerball, the staff have got a “Royalty” display to do on Monday after Mum’s day is off.
    Thanks Mark for these themed ideas, I’ve now got my staff coming to me with plans for future displays, we are not quite as classy as your photos, but working on it!


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