A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

Month: September 2015

Leveraging sand for magazine sales

IMG_9378We have been moving the CDU for K-Zone and Total Girl magazine to locations relevant to the target reader of the titles. This week we have it placed behind kinetic sand. This position is passed y all who head to the counter. Thoughtful placement can help drive sales. Units like this CDU can help us create space that otherwise might not be useful.


Did the ATO and other federal government departments fail 7-Eleven workers?

The ATO has a set of benchmarks against which it can assess businesses in various channels, including benchmarks for convenience stores.

In the wake of the 7-Eleven employee wages and entitlements scandal that has broken over the last few days, we can ask where was the ATO in this? Were they companying business returns with the ATO determined benchmarks? If not why not?

I have been questioned about business KPIs against ATO benchmarks several times. They are thorough in their questioning.

I’d like journalists working on this story to dig deeper.

FYI you can see the latest newsagency benchmark here.


What newsagents can learn from the 7-Eleven employee exploitation story

All 7-Eleven franchisees and employees are tainted as a result of the actions of some in ripping off some who work and worked at 7-Eleven stores. 7-Eleven corporate is in damage control to preserve some value for the brand.

What has happened since the story first broke on the weekend in Fairfax media and gained momentum last night with the 4 Corners report on ABC TV, is a rising up of voices against the entire 7-Eleven network.

Personally, I am all for the rising up against 7-Eleven. They promote their businesses on price. Now we know plenty of their stores could afford the cheap prices for coffee, for example, because they were not paying award wages to their employees and they hired some such that others missed out on work. On a side note, I am also against 7-Eleven as it was this organisation that agitated for many years for the deregulation of the distribution of newspapers and magazines in Australia.

The scandal hitting the whole 7-Eleven network is what happens you are part of a branded network. Your ethics are only as strong as the ethics of the most unethical member of the network. The resolution of any scandal is only as strong and good as the leadership and capacity of the owner of your brand.

I think one reason not publicly discussed for declining foot traffic to newsagencies is the unprofessional standard of some businesses trading under the Newsagency shingle. Some poor operators are hurting others in the channel and we are doing nothing about it.

Newsagents trading under the N symbol are only as good as the worst store. Likewise newsagents trading under the generic Newsagency shingle and newsagents trading under each of the marketing group names.

The difference with some marketing groups is that they have mechanisms in their contracts for discipline of members – even to exit them from the group for damaging the brand. No such discipline exists for the N brand or the Newsagency shingle.

If you missed 4 Corners last night, catch it on iView.


Ransomware warning for newsagents

The help desk of my newsagency software company has recently taken calls several small business owners hit with ransomware – where they have opened an email with a virus that controls the computer and criminals demand payment to unlock the computer. TAKE CARE. here is our advice:

  1. Do not open any attachment unless you expect it.
  2. Do no click on a link in an email unless it is from a trusted source.
  3. Do not open any email from the ATO.
  4. Do not open any email from the police.
  5. Do not open an email from a bank.
  6. Do not open any email from PayPal.
  7. Be suspicious of any email asking you to log in.

This is real folks. Ensure you are protected. The best way to do this is be vigilant.

A cloud backup service could help you recover quickly should you be hit.

Newsagency management

Promoting Your Garden in the newsagency

IMG_9377We have been promoting the latest Your Garden magazine with newspapers and shoppers are picking up the title on impulse.

I encourage newsagents to try this. We found space by placing it above papers. If papers are on a flat shelf, shuffle them for room next to your top seller.

Your Garden is quarterly and people forget about – hence the importance of driving impulse purchases.
