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Is the Fairfax newspaper distribution fee not as good as it seems?

Distribution newsagents logging in to their account get different information to that which I posted here today I am told.

Click here to access the document Fairfax distribution agents can access. It contains some language differences to the public announcement.

Several distribution newsagents have asked me to post it here as they say it contradicts the public statement. They say they are not that better off and that in real terms they are worse off.

Here is a comment from one newsagent:

I read the Blog item on Fairfax fees and thought others may have a head rush as I did and think that Fairfax had seen the light increasing delivery fees.  We received the notice you posted last week and it wasn’t until I checked the file attached on Fairfax website that  I saw the missing line that shows delivery fees have hardly changed.

I think it is very tricky on Fairfax’s part to have two lots of info.

Here is another.

Not only do they not maintain our fees in line with cost increases, they make every interaction with them harder and more expensive making this latest meagre rise a joke. I should have got out of home delivery years ago. I hate it every day because of moves like this one from Fairfax.

There is no upside in newspaper home delivery. I’ve been saying that for years. Indeed, I outlined in detail my position when I sold by round in 2006 and again six months later.

In researching back on what I have written on this topic, I found a piece from 2005 that remains timely today.

Newsagency management

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