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Fairfax advertising with the New York Times

This is something you would never have seen in print: a Fairfax masthead, The Age, being advertised on a New York Times platform.

That this is being done speaks to the extent of change we are amidst – not only in print media but in all areas of business. What was usual previously can be rare today just as what was taboo previously can be usual today.

Indeed, the Fairfax ad on a NYT site is a reminder that we cannot apply to today’s business world some expectations and rules from years ago.

In our channel for decades we lived with the understanding of territories. In the newspaper and magazine distribution space territories still exist. However, in retail, there is no such thing as a territory, certainly not when you can easily win a customer online. These are the days of retail without borders.

Related: B&T had an interesting report about cross-border sales.

It is in parts of our businesses where we practices of yesteryear continue that hold us back. While the world has moved on, in some parts of newsagency businesses the old way is the expensive and slow way. I am thinking here in particular of the old-school regulation around lottery products, magazine distribution and newspaper distribution. In each of these areas our ability to compete and be relevant is being held back by old practices and out of date compensation.

Some newsagents are breaking free and expanding their product portfolio way beyond what has been traditional for a newsagency and through this facilitating relevance in this new world. Hey if a couple of old-school newspaper publishers can do this so can we.

Media disruption

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