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Why I think the ANF advice on adult colouring is flawed

The ANF published an article this week about adult colouring that focused only on products from Gotch and Network. I hope newsagents do not rely on the ANF advice as it is flawed and late, many months late.

Adult colouring is not a recent craze. Newsagents in newsagency marketing groups or plugged to trends know this and have been making good money from adult colouring for months.

The most successful adult colouring titles provide newsagents with 50% and more GP, not the 25% we get from magazine companies. The ANF article ought to have been more complete in reporting on the opportunity.

While magazine distributor supplied adult colouring titles do have a place, I am not leading with them to drive traffic as they are not top of mind for shoppers in this space.

If the ANF is going to provide retail management advice for newsagents it ought to ensure the advice is timely and thoroughly researched. Further, it should consider how this advice sits with the advice from Newspower, the marketing group in which it has shares.

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    Mark maybe that is why the advice is late , It gives Newspower the advantage first .


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Shaun I am not aware of Newspower providing advice in this space.


  3. Peter B

    Why are magazine companies sending out colouring books anyway?
    IPS tried this last year with kids colouring books and rightly got howled down and even collected them back from us at their cost.
    We can sell them at premium GP and magazine companies should not be forcing these books into our shops.
    As for the ANF endorsing these, well it says it all, NO IDEA AT ALL.


  4. Mark Fletcher

    The ANF ought to invest more time in being an association.


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