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Lottery counter integration


I’ve had some great feedback here and offline about my post yesterday about integrating the sales counter. This photo shows part of the story at our counter – the placement of a point of sale register between two Tattersalls terminals. It means we can sell anything from the Tatts points. This helps us include products at the Tatts counters and be able to sell them from there. We’ve had success with magazines, pens and some gift items at seasons.

The register, along with the other two point of sale registers at the counter, allow us to track all Tattersalls sales and thereby measure the efficiency of Tattersalls product to the business overall. We can tell how many times people buy Tattersalls product and nothing else as well as what they do buy when they buy other items.


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  1. Jarryd Moore

    I must admit mark, i have never seen a Tattersalls terminal. In comparison to the NSW Lotteries terminal … well there is no comparison. The NSW Lotteries termainal is bulky, not as moderm looking and hosts only a 2 line customer display. The Tattersalls terminals apparently are sleek, slim and have a nifty little LCD customer display.

    Im also not sure how many lottery sales you process, but a store having two terminals in NSW is almost non existant (only the biggest of the big have two). Its not a big issue, but when there are two people wanting the terminal its a big pain in the you know what. Especially when a customer hand over a bundle of tickets and scratchies theyve collected over the last 6 months and wants them checked.

    In our draft plans for our refurb this year we hadnt planned for a POS register at the lottery counter, although there is only only a step away in the normal sales counter (we do put all lotteries sales through our registers and wil continue to do so). But ill weigh ups costs and benifits of a POS register at the lotteries counter.

    Ill also note the NSW lotteries in all their wisdom have these gigantic scratchie dispensors that take up space on the counter and dont allow for the serving space as show in the pic above. They do display the scratchies very well though, but is the trade-off worth it? Like i said in the previous comment … is it customer friendly?


  2. Tim

    A lot of Western Sydney agents have 2 terminals. I have even seen a couple of agents with 3.

    These certainly weren’t the “biggest of the bigs”.


  3. Jarryd Moore

    It must only be a reflection on the more regional or smaller suburbs then. The agents you talk about may not be the bigest of the big in size but to get two terminals you have to attain a minimum dollar value of sales per year (we asked what it was some years ago and were told it was an undisclosed figure). The majority of stores however have only one terminl, some that would often benifit from having two.


  4. mark fletcher

    In Victoria it used to be that you needed $25K a week in online sales to qualify to pay for the extra terminal. Not sure what it is now. I know we had to fight hard as there is a bigger lottery outlet in our centre as well as a poker machine packed TAB outlet.


  5. Tim

    We have four agents in this centre. A total of 6 machines (2 have 2 terminals, and 2 have 1).


  6. Jarryd Moore

    I would guess it is definatly more in NSW at present. The other lotteries agent in town is located in the CBD. We know they have a significantly greater turnover than us (they are at the entrance of the town’s main shopping complex) and we have been told before than not even they would be able to get a second terminal (i am confident they have a turnover greater then $25k). Location factores (ie metro regional) may also play a part?


  7. Vaughan Lawrence


    Have you copped any flack from Tattersalls yet? We looked at the idea about 2 years ago and were shot to peices by Tattersalls, saying that non Tattersalls items are forbidden from being put on the conter, including POS



  8. mark fletcher

    Vaughan, yes and no. Yes they don;t like it. No because our sales are up way above the industry average. Win wins like this mean one gets left alone. Mark


  9. Jarryd Moore

    Really, they dont like you having a POS on their counter! NSW Lotteries have no problem with it. The person who approves their lotteries counters even sugggested that one of the sapces on our lottereis counter could be used for a register. Its not a very good reflection on tats that they would not allow you to have a POS terminal there. If it increases sales and does not look out of place (which i might add i dont think it does) its only of benifit to them.


  10. Vaughan Lawrence

    Wouldn’t be even better if the Tattersall’s terminal sales then linked directly to your Point of sale software so you didn’t have to push more buttons 🙂
    What a win that would be!



  11. mark fletcher

    Absolutely. We have written to Tattersalls and the other state lottery commissions. They have reasons for saying no. I don’t agree with them.


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