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A bear improves my social status

markbear.JPGCarrying a big bear does wonders for your social status I found on the weekend. I had to carry Basil, a large Gund bear, from our Sophie Randall Forest Hill store first to our newsagency and they in to our Melbourne Central store. People talked to me. Some asked where I bought it, another said someone was lucky and another said they hoped it was going to a good home. One older lady walked alongside me a kind of snuggled the bear, saying nothing. Even driving into the city several people tooted and waved at the bear riding next to me. The amount of attention was surprising.

Reflecting on this attention I was reminded that retail is about theatre and connecting with aspirations. The bear meant something to them, they changed when they saw it.

I am sure I could have led people to a Sophie store with Basil or a larger bear clinging to me – like a walking billboard.

A challenge in our newsagencies is that they do not change much week to week. Sure there are new magazines in every couple of days and new newspapers every day and we have seasons like Christmas to spice things up but our stores do not really change.

My weekend experience has me wondering what “Basil” I can find for my newsagencies to get more people noticing us and existing customers taking more notice of us. The answer lies in us doing the unexpected and making the experience enjoyable.


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  1. Michael

    Which one is the bear???


  2. Graeme

    That’s easy Michael – the one with charisma.
    I have a strong feeling that Mark has lead with his chin on this one.


  3. Michael

    I’ve found you get the same sort of attention with 12 long stemmed roses. I think Mark would agree it’s one of those funny experiences that makes you crack a smile.


  4. Luke Corbin

    This pied piper strategy certainly offers an amusing mental image. Especially the old lady rubbing against the bear. Especially that.

    Newsagents don’t commonly stock items that offer the same opportunities. But maybe a tie-in…giant newspapers, with the headline: ‘ROGUE BEAR WALKABOUT IN SUBURBAN SHOPPING CENTRE. REWARD OFFERED.’


  5. Brett


    What ARE you doing with your left hand?


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