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Attracting customers to the newsagency

fhn_newsletter_dec09.jpgIn addition to mailing to homes and businesses around our centre, we have our December newsletter – IN STORE OFFERS – in a stand at the front of the shop.  We will also distribute this to businesses in the centre.

This newsletter promotes several of our Christmas offers from a range of departments.  It also connects with marketing distributed to thousands of homes around the centre in recent weeks. It respects core departments – magazines (suggesting a Christmas gift pack) and cards (the very successful Hallmark sound cards) – while promoting calendars (great margin and range point of difference), the new moon board game (competing with the big guys and winning!), Scotch gift wrap cutter (everyone needs one!) and our digital photo key rings (also competing with the big guys and winning!).

Regulars here will notice that we have evolved the newsletter considerably over the last four years.  This latest incarnation reflects our research on how shoppers engage with the newsletter.  Items are less wordy and more outcome focused.

The newsletter focuses on brands and value – we see these as a key point of difference for us.  The pitch is the same in our catalogue marketing as well as our advertising.

newsagency marketing

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  1. B

    Ok, as usual, slightly off topic I have a question about staffing.

    I have a staff member who has verbally abused other staff. I now have staff who are indicating that they do not wish to work with her – which I can’t blame them. My instinct is to dismiss her however what are the implications of this? Do I have to give warnings?

    How would others handle this situation?


  2. Lance of Coolum


    Which State are yoi in? Are you in a reliable Association?


  3. Michael

    B, I’d giving her a verbal warning and explain that it’s work place bullying and don’t do it again, because you’ll sack her. Hopefully works in your situation.


  4. Jarryd Moore


    The termination process will depend on the award your staff member is on. Also remember that there is a new national retail award that will apply as of January 1 2010 which may differ from your current award.

    If your unsure, contact your state or federal government body that handles industrial relations.


  5. gus

    and is she permanent or casual – THE big difference


  6. anon

    is she pretty or ugly – an even bigger difference Gus


  7. Graeme Day

    Anon love the humor but most prettys’ are the ugly if you get what I mean..
    Agonising over sacking people is a teerible thing what you are really doing is trying to be fairer to the unfair or not wanting to have to pay a penalty according to the forever do gooder law.
    mY experience after all that agonising is sack tghem anyway, the principal being is that they are no good for your business and your business will do better without them the penalties are minimal in comparison to the result.
    The rest of the staff will respect you enormously.


  8. Y&G

    If she’s abusing staff, there’s a very good chance she may be also alienating customers.
    Regardless of the award, did she sign on regarding the usual dismissal conditions – i.e. inappropriate behaviour?


  9. gus

    slowly decrease her rostered hours if she is a casual – then they usually leave on their own volition


  10. Brad

    Very simple. Casual she needs only 1 hours notice of dismissal. Perm you need 3 warnings. Every state will have a variance on this but not too different. Bullying in the work place is a hot topic. I would be more worride about stress claims that your other staff can make. Get rid of the problem now. It may be uncomfortable but can you afford the stress leave that both set of groups could be entitled to? Reducing hours can be seen as constructive dismissal under some awards.


  11. B

    Hey Guys, thanks heaps for all your suggestions. She’s a casual so that should make easier. Checked out the Workplace harrasement and bullying legislation yesterday and it definately falls under that and we are exempt from the Unfair dismissal laws on a couple of different counts.

    I don’t think that simply cutting the hours would work in this case and being that it is not the first instance. Considering the other staff members and the effect it is having on them is extremely important.

    Thanks again.


  12. anon

    glad I could help you “B – as Paris Hilton rightly said

    “There is no excuse to be in the company of ugly people”


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