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Coles selling laptops

I noticed in a Coles supermarket recently that they are selling Acer laptops.  This is the Aldi effect.  Aldi pioneered selling items like laptops, DVD players and the like in their supermarket aisles.  Now, it seems, Coles wants in on the opportunity.

While newsagents tend to stay away from these items, I know of several who are having good success with these.  In Western Australia a couple of weeks ago one enterprising newsagent told me of the great success he was having with DVD players, printers and a range of electrical items for the office.  he has made some smart moves and is reaping good rewards.

It all comes down to finding out what is possible in your business.  We find out what is possible by playing outsidethe traditional newsagency model.  Who’d have thought thatwe could sell more ink than regular stationery in our businesses?

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  1. Niall

    There may well be an Aldi element in Coles decision to sell laptops but don’t forget that quite a few of Coles Senior Management and even middle management are from the UK with broad Tesco experience. Tesco in the UK have been selling products like laptops, tv’s etc etc for over a decade.
    Also noticed a Tefal instant hot water product in Australia Post yesterday selling for $119.95.


  2. ERIC

    in australia woolies and coles are the kings of groceries, but if you compare to tesco and forrecare supermarkets which have big foot prints in South east asian countries , these 2 tiny giants of australia are just an ant and if they are given fair competion in austriala , these overseas giants will kill these 2 tiny giants.


  3. Brad

    I believe that it was on this blog when I first saw that Coles was testing a newsagency concept store within store. It is no mystery then that Coles is looking to be first to market against Woolies.
    Our product lines are easy targets for these guys. With the Officeworks conection also I am surprized that it has taken this long for these types of products to enter grocery stores.
    Eric yes the OS guys would have an impact but they also wouldn’t bother with the logistics of the country and spread of population. Coles and Woolies are here now and we should be watching with at least one eye on what they are doing.


  4. proactive

    Some weeks ago we spotted this sale and endeavoured to locate the model on line at Acer. The Coles version is not a product that sells at other retail outlets and is either a special buy or a discontinued line.

    We also compared like with like at Acer and found that the Coles model is dearer than what is already available from Acer.

    We asked Coles about warranty details and they were sketchy to the point that they did not know the answer.


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