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Using weekly magazine traffic to sell other titles

weeklies_july2010.JPGFor years now we have used space above our weekly titles to promote other magazines.  The mix changes at least one a week and sometimes more often.  We start the week using the top two pockets for monthly titles and tack more space as the week unfolds.  Click on the photo to see a larger version of how we were using this space Wednesday afternoon.

Our strategy here is to extend sales which include one of the major weeklies.  The titles which we find respond best in this space are: Notebook, Real Living, Better Homes & Gardens,  Diabetic Living, Good Health, Women’s Health, Gardening Australia and Master Chef.

We obsess about basket size and seize every opportunity available to us, at high traffic locations, to attract impulse purchase decisions.  These few pockets above the weeklies are highly valuable to us, especially on the weekends.

My question for other newsagents is: how are you using this space above high-volume weeklies?   What we are doing is simple.  Iw ould note, however, that this is not a task to delegate. Think about the titles you have and your customers.  You want to put in front of them titles theyare likely to buy.


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  1. Henry

    Mark do you get into trouble for this? I mean, what does your acp merchandiser say?


  2. Narelle

    Great idea – thanks Mark – will implement today!


  3. Mark

    There was an initial bumpy ride with the merchandiser but it is all okay now. I pay for the space after all.


  4. ERIC

    business has never been this bad in my last 16 years, although interest rates is so cheap.i remember borrow over 16% loan for my business and business was very good.


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