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Attracting younger shoppers with Halloween fun

wg-halloweenentries2.JPGColouring competitions are a great way to attract younger shoppers to a newsagency.  Newsagents traditionally run these at Easter and sometimes at Christmas.  We have done it for a few years now for Halloween and each year it is bigger than the last.  This year is no exception.

The competition works on several levels.  It gets kids engaging with the store, meaning they are more likely to remember us.  (We have to get them while they are young I am told.)  It can bring family members in to see the art.  It can provide local schools and clubs a fun Halloween activity with also connects back to the business.

Of course, there is the commercial opportunity – Halloween product sales as well as sales of many other items including pens, pencils and colouring materials for competitions like this.

Newsagency opportunities

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  1. Aaron

    We’ve received many entries this year. About 40 or so at last count Kids and adults are really getting into Halloween this year.


  2. kellie

    this is pur first year with halloween we are running a colouring comp all is going well


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