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7,000+ Sticker Family stickers sold

stickerfamily.JPGIn the few months that we have had the My Family stickers from The Sticker Family we have sold well over 7,000 units.  They continue to sell well with 450 sold already this month.  Not only are the sales excellent, the additional items purchased by shoppers drawn to us because of the stickers are terrific.

For a product which some newsagents rejected and others miss-managed, it’s be a stand out for us this year.

What put the stickers on the radar for me this week is the sales in the lead up to Christmas.  They have taken off again.  We are leveraging this with good placement of the promotional material at the front of the newsagency, next to our boxed Christmas cards.

It is easy to complain about how tough things are or how someone else has caused misery and harder to create your own success.  These stickers are the result of tenacity and commitment by their creators, enduring support and assistance by their promoters and opportunistic and energetic engagement y retailers who are having success.

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  1. Bruce

    Hi Mark,
    I too had a great time with the My Family Stickers.
    This was between AUGUST 2010 AND MARCH 2011.
    However the sales fell off a cliff despite our best efforts with the excellent pos.
    The only conclusion I can come to is that all the customers in my geographic area who want some My Family Stickers have now bought same. Our traffic counts have increased overall since 2010.
    We are in a suburb, not a tourist or
    area with high transit population.
    I have found the stickers are product that polarise opinion, Some customers love em and others resent their exisence.
    I note there are other “antifamily stickers” eg “Who Gives A **** about your family” stickers I have seen on cars.
    So I would take care with stock management as soon as any dip in sales appears.


  2. Mark

    Bruce we’ve been at it for a year and the numbers continue to be great. Indeed we’re up again thanks to Christmas. We don’t carry much in inventory as we order weekly.


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