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Check your supply of Maxim magazine

The publishers and distributors of Maxim magazine need to look at the sell through rate for the title. In one of my newsagencies we are achieving a sell through of just under 30%, making the title loss making for us. While supply has been reduced, the reduction is not enough to enable us to cover our costs.

The scale out of Maxim for us ought to be trimmed by 50% based on our sales data. This is what a publisher and distributor caring about the health of the retail channel would do. I should not have to ask. It should be automatic and based on the accurate sales data which is provided. Instead, I am oversupplied and carry the cost of this.

Newsagents should check their supply of Maxim and see if they are being oversupplied as I am.

magazine distribution

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  1. shaun s

    sold one copy when it first came onsale and to this date have not sold a single copy and suprise suprise it still comes in -what a waste of time and money for all parties involved


  2. Vicki

    Ditto shaun.


  3. Harry Henderson

    Maxim is rubbish and I have sold 2 copies since launch. Boys get their T&A via internet


  4. h

    My supply has decreased from 9 to 3 over the last 6 months, I sell 2. So I have no complaints. Since I stopped early returning, I am very content with allocations and did not get any
    oversupply of Maxim.


  5. Brendan

    Was this mag early returned on receipt or to beat the end of the month statement and also relevant is the on sale date. At the moment I am returning week 5 returns for some mags because the next issue is on the shelves today and I don’t have the space to display two issues of the same mag at once. Most unrealistic of the publisher in this instance.


  6. Brendan

    Woop’s, wrong post. I will move it.


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